journey up north (2)

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Sorry, no the story isn't dead, just got other things that needed to be done before this. I'll try and get the next chapter out sooner but it wont be that soon.

"Princess this is a very bad idea," Nancy told Olivia as she started to pack up a bag with the essential clothes she thought she would need for the journey. Olivia had never been to Brax town but she heard it was cold, and she didn't want to be chilly there.

"Is it," Olivia asked sounding very heated. Her voice raising as she stormed her chambers tossing more clothes, brushes, perfume, and other supplies that she would need for the long trip. "Dagon runs off with Cindy and you think I should stay here and not do anything?! And you're fine with Cindy just disappearing without a word to you either??"

Olivia watched the worry and concern on Nancy's face break out for a few moments before calming down, as her maid training had taught her. Her break in emotions was something she usually never did, which just showed how worried she was for Dagon's sister and personal lover. Still Nancy's emotions cleared up as she seemed to be able to correct herself infront of Olivia, "I'm sure they are fine. Cindy is strong... so is Dagon."

Olivia paused and closed her eyes as she felt like maybe she was overreacting. Dagon didn't need her to help. Especially if Cindy is with him, in fact she was a Giantess. However...that still didn't help this sinking and horrible feeling she had. Like if she didn't do something, yesterday would be the last time she would ever see Dagon alive. No matter how much she fought it off, she got that dreaded feeling that Dagon was in trouble. "I know... I know you're right but-" Olivia spun around to confront Nancy showing the fear and concern in her face, "What if they aren't? What if they get into trouble and need help?"

It was clear Nancy was thinking the same thing as Olivia spoke her worries out loud, however Nancy couldn't help but look away not willing to speak out. Olivia saw the worry on her face and it was clear she wasn't trying to work up Olivia's own fears. Nancy always was always trying to be the best maid she could be. "I know Princess, but what about your father? He would never allow you to leave like this."

Olivia let out a huff at the very true words spoken, "Than thanks goodness I'm not telling him."

Nancy turned toward Olivia just as she shut her bags closed with a slam, "Your highness... you're gonna run away?!"

Olivia shushed Nancy with her hands and words, "Shhh... technically... kind of..."

Nancy shook her head, "This is a VERY bad idea-"

Olivia rolled her eyes, "It's fine, I'll have my personal guard with me. And it's not like I haven't learned anything from Dagon, Cindy, and Melody about the outside." Olivia puffed her chest out proudly, "I've learned a few things about how to survive out in the wilds."

Nancy didn't show it, but doubt ran throughout her body, "Princess...your majesty... please reconsider-"

Olivia couldn't help but pick up the stupid note that Dagon left her, "Nancy," She said waving the flimsy paper sheet around, "You know as well as I do that Dagon sucks at writing. It's clear what he's intending to do, and no amount of smokescreening he tries with THIS letter is gonna persuade me that Melody and Ashely aren't in trouble. Now we know where they are going, and maybe my presence in Brax town can help with something political or... I don't konw..." Olivia sighed as she felt useless right now. "I just," Olivia looked at Nancy as she also mirrored her reaction of hopelessness, "I don't- no I CAN'T sit around and do nothing. I can't just wait for them to get back or hear news about something bad happening to them."

Nancy let out her own sounds of worry as she knew what Olivia was saying, "Your majesty... if we're gonna do this, then at least we should come up with a decent lie for your father. That way he doesn't send all his men after you the minute he finds out you left."

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