The attack

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The year is 2470, but no one can remember that date anymore.  It’s the same with how their world came to be as it is.  No one remembers how it happened but one day long ago Giantess just appeared out of nowhere during a war.  Some believed it was a secret weapon designed by one side, others believed it from the after effects from their weapons, some believed God sent them to punish humanity, and others believe that they were aliens sent to colonize the world.  All that mattered was that the Giantess showed up and started to attack humans.  As time went on the world changed, cities were destroyed and turned to ruble that in turn became large forest.  Humanity wasted all their weapons on each other and the Giantess to the point where guns were rare to come by.  Humanity’s technology was gone and they were forced to live in kingdoms again.  These kingdoms were made from cities that survived the Giantess attacks and ruled by leaders that turned into kings and passed it down.  The Giantess still roam the land but not in the same numbers as they used to.  Humanity was safe in their kingdoms. 

Dagon hatted waking up first, which was most of the time.  Sometimes Cindy would get up before him and set him down on the ground for him to continue sleeping, this was not one of those times.  Like most mornings, Dagon woke up to being face first into his sister’s cleavage, with her trying to smother him.  Just with her sleeping it was impossible for him to push the human sized hands off his back, so Dagon was forced to lay there and listen to the thumping of Cindy’s beating heart and the rhythmic inflating chest from her breathing. 

Dagon would have bitten her like he used to do but… she taught him his lesson long ago.  Too many mornings of being smacked like he was some kind of insect stopped him from even thinking twice about it.  There was nothing worse than being hit be a Giantess thinking you’re some kind of giant sized mosquito.  Trying to wake her with words was also pointless, due to her deep sleep and her giant breast kept her from hearing a single noise from him. 

Normally a person would be upset at this dilemma, but Dagon would take this any day over the alternative.  Night time was a dangerous time for anyone his size.  There were large creatures out there that would enter a camp at the dead of night and make anything sleeping an easy meal.  Dagon’s days in the military taught him that.  He could still remember those horrible nights being woken up by the sound of his fellow men being dragged off into the night still alive. 

Cindy started to stir and roll over in her sleep mumbling something.  Dagon was grateful this was one of those days she woke up early, sometimes he had to wait 30 minutes before she woke.  He needed to leave soon or he might end up having to travel at night.  Cindy let out a loud yawn as she sat up.  The pressure on Dagon’s back lessened and the bright shinny light from the early sun blinded him for a few moments.  The fresh air was refreshing as he reliazed how stale the air was that he was breathing.

“Good morning little bro,” Cindy said in a tired voice.

“Sleep any longer and it will be afternoon soon,” Dagon said as he was set down on the ground.  “Well you know the rules, last one up makes breakfast.”  Cindy grumbled something under her breath in response as she started to stretch.

“Got to use the bathroom first,” She said as she got up and headed into the woods.  Needing to go too, Dagon went to the edge of the cliff and released his bladder that was killing him since he woke up.  When Dagon was done he headed over to the tiger pelts and started to fold them up and bag them and pack up his other things for the journey to the nearest town. 

He was nearly done when Cindy came back with two handfuls of fruits that she collected.  She sat down and offered some to Dagon.  “I sure hope you washed your hands,” He told her, which she only replied by giving him a wicked grin.  He started to eat a few handfuls for himself, which was nothing compared to what Cindy ate.  Before he was done she popped her other handful into her mouth and ate it all.  When Dagon was done with his share she ate the rest.

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