Chapter 1: WHAT?!

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          It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon in March.  I was walking down the street and I saw her standing at the bus stop not really doing much of anything.  Her hair was brunette with blonde streaks, and it fell in delicate curls just past her shoulders.  She looked like she was about mid- 20s and she wasn't particularly beautiful, but there was something about her that I couldn't quite describe.  She had a way about her that made me think of her like fine china; delicate and easily broken.  She wasn't sitting on the benches and I remember wondering why, as she was the only person there.  I don't really recall much of anything that happened after that.  All I remember is that I was watching her; and then, nothing.

            When I woke up, it was dark out and I didn't know where I was or what I was doing. The back of my head was throbbing as if something were trying to get out.  Suddenly, it all came back to me.  I looked at the bus stop but of course she wasn't there, her bus would have come a long time ago.  Had someone hit me?  My head sure felt like it.  Nobody dislikes me enough to do that though.  Not that I know of.  But I couldn't think of any other reason I would pass out in the middle of the sidewalk and wake up hours later, the back of my head pounding.  I looked at my watch to see what time it was but it was broken so I checked my phone.  I didn't have any missed calls, which was strange.

            I picked myself up off the sidewalk and started to walk in the opposite direction that I was going in earlier.  Before I passed out, I had been going to my mom's house to show her how to work her new iPad.  Now I was heading back towards home.  I started to think to myself as I walked.  Why didn't anyone see me on the sidewalk and call the police?  Why didn't my mother, who was expecting me, get worried and try to call me?  Why didn't the girl at the bus stop call the police?  I didn't know any of the answers to my questions, so I stopped thinking about it.  I was almost home now and when I turned the corner, I was blinded by blue and white flashing lights.  Maybe somebody did call the police.  As I walked closer, I saw yellow caution tape around my entire house.  What was going on?

            I walked up to the policeman that looked like he was in charge.

            “What's going on here?”  I asked him.  “This is my house.”

            “This is your house?  Well I'm going to need to ask you to come with me,” he told me.  I didn't argue. I've learned enough from cop shows.  Even though I still didn't know what was going on, I followed the cop to his cruiser.  He opened the back door for me and I got in.

            I think I fell asleep in the cruiser.  I must have been more tired than I thought.  I woke up when the car jolted to a stop.  We were in the MPD (Memphis Police Department) parking lot.  The cop opened the door for me and I got out slowly.  As I got out of the cruiser, I finally caught the name of the cop.  Or at least his last name.  His uniform said Osbourne.  I don't know why I thought it was important that I know his name, but apparently I did otherwise I wouldn't have paid attention.  He took me through the police department to an interrogation room.  I could tell that's what it was because it looked just like it does on Bones.  Sound proofed walls, a table with two hard plastic chairs and a large black glass mirror that I knew was one- way glass.  I also knew there were probably 3 or 4 guys behind the glass that would be taking apart every word I said.  I must have waited 45 minutes before somebody walked in the room.

            “Hi, I'm Detective Carson.  I hear we were investigating at your house?”  He said as he sat down in the chair opposite mine.

            “Yes.  I came home and there were a lot of blue and white lights and caution tape all around my house.  Do you know what was going on?”  I asked him.

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