meeting the other participants

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Previously On the last chapter:

"Y/n sama!!!"???? Shouted whilst running and jumping on me hugging me in the process.

" hello G-"
Now on the chapter(meeting the other participants):

"Hello Göll" I greeted the youngest valkyrie (sorry if the spelling is wrong-author chan)

'honestly I don't know why I'm still out for revenge but here I am' I think to myself 'I miss my family so much I w-' I think before göll snapped me out of my thoughts

"So y/n is gonna be here for the ragnarok" göll said "ye-" I said getting cut off by brunhilde

"yes göll she is going to be one of the fighters that is fighting for humanity" brunhilde explains

"y/n is this true?.." Göll asked to which I replied with a simple "yes"

"but you said you are done and over with the revenge thing!" göll shouted out

" well y-yes I said that but I have to avenge my family it what they deserve... " I said in a calm manner

"oh......well at least promise me that you will stay alive" göll said

"I promise.... Cross my heart and hope not to die" I said

Just as I said that the two sisters laughed at what I said

"what?" I asked "that's not how the saying goes" göll said laughing

"whatever" I said 'I missed this warm and bubbly feeling'

"follow me" brunhilde said.
Now I'm in a room filled with men and only men....

"I'm guessing these are the participants that will also fight for humanity" I stated clearly disappointed

"yes and you are to train with them until it's time for the ragnarok to begin" brunhilde says

"hey brunhilde who's the new.......well hello beautiful a pretty lady like you shouldn't be roaming freely" ??? Says

As I ignore him I turn to brunhilde only to see.....göll

"sister said everyone should introduce themselves, bye y/n see you" göll said running away

"well there goes that...." I murmured
Hi umm long time no seee🤗

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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