What an suprising turn.

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(So I forgot to say something! Pixie's emotions are represented by mine lol ok, I need to shut up and let you continue)

§Jay's POV§

{I went to my room after I left the gaming room..}

Jay POV - I need to get that girl out of here..
But it was unkind of me to tell her I will kill her, I'll go apologize I guess..

{Jay leaves his room and goes back to the gaming room}

Jay - Look, uhh Pixie.. I'm sorry bout what I said..

{Pixie turned to me which no one but us were in the room at the time}

Pixie - Ah, it's alright, I figured you would threaten me since you are a vampire, and don't want your friends to know..

Jay - Thanks.. Friends? As long as you don't tell them. {I said jokingly}

Pixie - Hahaha, yeah. I won't.

{Pixie went to hug me, which was unexpected to me, after all, I did threaten her}

Pixie - Don't worry about the threatening part, I figured you couldn't keep up to it's promise.

Jay's POV - Well that was mean, maybe I should stick to it's "promise" for that comment.

§Pixie's POV§

{Jay left the room after the hug, which I wasn't surprised by.. I don't think Jay has slept though.. since it seems he looked like he was about to pass out}

Pixie POV - Hmm.. what should I do..? I should probably go to sleep..

{So I left the room and went to Nya's room to go sleep}

{In the morning}

Kai - HEY GET UP!!

Pixie - Was the yelling necessary?

Kai - Yes.

Jay - It was not!

Nya - Oh shut up you two and go train already!

Lloyd - Kai, the yelling was not necessary and thank you Nya.

Nya - No problem!

{I got up and got ready and decided to walk around the place}

Pixie - Wow. This place is really cool!

Master Wu - Oh, hello. I guess your the person named Pixie?

Pixie - Huh? Oh yes, I am. ^^

Master Wu - Nice to finally meet you.

Pixie - Nice to meet you too.

{After Meeting there Sensei I walked around the rest of the monastery}

Pixie POV - Wow, this place is truly different from The Void.

{I wasn't looking and knocked something over on accident..}

Pixie - Oh.. oh.. oh no.. what.. what should I do..?!

Nya - Hey Pixie it's fine. Chill.

Pixie - I.. I.. I'm sorry.

Kai - Hey it's fine, the item isn't broken it's alright.

{I calm down, and put the item back calmly}

Jay - See now it's alright, everything is fine!

Pixie - Thanks.

(Cliffhanger Lol, I love these for a weird reason hah!)

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