Chapter 22

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I spent more than half of the flight sleeping. I didn't understand why I was so exhausted but suddenly it felt like I could relax and sleep as much as I wanted without any hindrance. Anis didn't complain one bit about my lack of company or even my sleep. When I was awake, he was the most attentive companion one can have but when I slept, he worked on his laptop incessantly. I stretched in my seat and yawned loudly. Sitting in this seat was so exhausting that I wanted to stand up and roam around. I didn't dare sleep in the bedroom because it looked like his personal room and I didn't want to feel closer than I already was. I looked towards the seat beside me and smiled. Anis had fallen asleep as well, with his head resting against my shoulder. A lock of his hair had fallen on his forehead and I so wanted to move and comb it back but I knew I would disturbed him if I moved even once inch. I stayed in my position, not wanting to wake him up.

I didn't realize when I had fallen asleep again when Anis moved beside me and I woke up. We had been in the plane for more than twelve hours now. I looked at him groggily, trying to get back my bearings. I blinked several times and then looked at my surroundings. We were still in the plane, I realized. How much longer did we need? I wanted to stand on solid ground for once now. The fourteen hour flight must be over, I guess.  

"How much longer are we going to cooped up in this craft?" I asked, showing him my irritation.

"Let me check." He said and picked up the telecom that was placed near the door. He listened for a few seconds and then replaced the receiver back on it's cradle.

"We will be landing in an hour from now. Let's get you something to eat before the plane lands and then you can't eat." He said and ordered food for us from the kitchen.

"You slept like the dead." Anis commented as I straightened up from the chair and stood up. I wanted to visit the washroom urgently to take care of my personal hygiene.

"Yeah! I feel rejuvenated from all the naps that I've been taking." I said, standing up from my chair.

"I can see that." Anis said and followed me inside.

"Want to come with me inside the washroom as well?" I asked him, eyebrows raised as he stood near the washroom door as I was about to enter.

"Do you want me to?" He asked playfully, his eyes sparkling with laughter as he said that. I glared at him in mock-anger.

"No thank you! Stay out!" I said and slammed the door shut before he could say anything else. I walked out fifteen minutes later to find Anis waiting for me outside.

"How much do they pay you to babysit me?" I asked him while I tied my hair in a ponytail. I was tired of keeping them open all the time and moreover, we weren't in public. There was only Anis around here and he had seen my injury every day. I was getting comfortable around him. How did that happen?

"I would be your slave for free, mi'lady." He grinned at me as we came back to the lounge where we were sitting. I rolled my eyes at him. He was such a sweet talker, I wonder why he didn't have a girlfriend. Our food was already set for us when we came back so I sat back and looked at the menu today. Spaghetti, yum! I ladled some on the plate and some on another plate for Anis.

"You're such a sweet-talker. Tell me, how come you don't have a girlfriend?" I asked, matter-of-factly.

"Nobody interested me much in my college days." He said as he dug into his plate of food.

"And why is that so? I'm sure with you looks and style, girl must fall at your feet."

"They did but I wasn't interested." He replied.

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