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it was supposed to be just a joke.

the camera shifted and was all over the place with overlapping background noises, but the moment the holder balanced the camera on a single woman in front of the lens, all noises blurred out and was only focused on 2-3 people specifically on spotlight on the camera.

the first woman you would see was a woman of above average height, standing roughly at 5'8 centimeters with an additional 2 or 3 inches based on the heels of her boots. a cheeky grin adorned her face as she faced on her left side, animatedly talking with a male 4 centimeters taller than her.

"bet. 10 dollars if i manage to find something utterly jaw dropping." the woman had said, her voice a deep and breathy melody that contained the tone of cheekiness and playfulness.

the male nodded, a stoic expression usually displayed on his face, except for his tiny smirk that the camera immediately zoomed in for a second begore zooming out to capture both friends in one scene.

"sure. make it 50, i won't complain."

the camera zoomed in on the female for a second the moment her grin widened and her eyes beamed brighter at his words, before zooming out once more with shaky yet steady balance of the camera.

then a voice from behind the camera—presumably the one holding the device— boomed with matched playfulness contained in a loud voice.

"might as well give him the 50 dollars, kharyna!"

the girl turned to the camera's direction and flashed a middle finger, her signature cheeky smile not dropping even when the holder of the camera dramatically gasped. the device catching hold of the loud sound crystal clear.

"you better have not touched my brother with the finger of yours!"

she choked out a laughter and a, "shut up! oh my god!" eyes shining with amusement and mirth as she flashed the one behind the camera— two middle fingers.

the male beside her chuckled behind his hand, clearly entertained by their banter.

the holder laughed uncontrollably, evident by the shakiness of the camera which barely caught on to another presence jumping on the female.

"you guys, we're due for 10 minutes!" a squeaky voice exclaimed fondly, her appearance still nor clear due to the shakiness of the camera.

then the holder steadied their hands.

it was a short female, evident by how she climbed off kharyna's back and stood to her full height. her head barely reaching the other female's shoulder.

she had grinned widely at both kharyna and the male, pulling her hand out of her oversized jacket and revealing four train tickets.

the one behind the camera cheered loudly, "good job wynn!"

kharyna gently smiled at her and furiously—purposely at that—the shorter female's hair, successfully ruining her space buns hairstyle to which wynn responded with a loud protest and a playful hit to her shoulder.

"don't bully her, ryna." the male beside the kharyna teased, hands in both pockets of his trousers as a teasing grin tugged his lips on which the camera zoomed at.

then the camera focused on the taller female, still not zooming out and perfectly showcasing the roll of her half-lidded eyes and a matched teasing grin on her lips.

then the camera blurred, shifting, showing different people doing people things in the train station, answering the unvoiced question on why the background noises were so loud and headache-inducing. then the camera zoomed out and we would now see the beautiful and peaceful blue sky.

Just a bet.

then the camera shifted back on the three friends, with the one behind the camera giggling like a little girl once finding them still teasing and arguing with each other.

"you guys need to get along." the holder joked.

wynn shot the camera—or rather the person behind it— an exasperated look to which made the camera shake again, meaning the holder was laughing, which was proven true since loud laughter followed after seconds of shaking.

then the camera suddenly shifted to a different scenario but still on the same location.

this time it was showing kharyna in front of a wall sandwiched between two stations, a cheeky smirk dancing on her lips as she rolled up the seelves of her dress shirt and loosening her neck tie.

the male beside kharyna cupped his lips, "go kharyna. go, go kharyna." he mockingly cheered with a monotone voice, making wynn giggle at that.

the person behind the camera also cheered along with the male, though in a more loud and cheerful voice which almost drowned out other noises considering they were rhe one behind the camera.

"i'm not paying for your hospital bills if you go along with this, K." wynn's disappointed voice could barely be heard from all the loud shouting from the person behind the camera.

then the camera zoomed in when kharyna began walking backwards a few steps before unhesitantly running straight on at the wall, with the male and the person behind the camera laughing at the obvious fail attempt.

it was a bad idea.

then when they had expected kharyna to crash into the wall, she had went through it as if there wasn't a wall there.

the three of them instantly quietened before the silence was cut throught with a "..what the fuck?" by the person behind the camera.

wynn was the first to act and hurriedly went to the wall, a frantic and disbelief expression on her face as she began feeling up the wall.

the male trailed dazedly after the shorter girl, a confused look on his sculpted face as he watched wynn began starting to punch the wall and call out their friend's name.

then the camera blurred with panicked breaths before it steadied again and the wall was much closer now.

"fuck, fuck what happened.."

but strangely, i didn't regret it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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