Title: My Dark Knight
Genre: Historical Fiction/Romance/Suspense
Author: _imperfect
In the era where swords rule, where women consider their modesty their greatest virtue. Where a man would kill to find his wife warming another mans bed, a time when women would consider it the greatest of adultery or fornication to warm a bed other than her husbands. A time when an honorable man guards his gaze, for his gaze is solely for his wife alone, as well as his heart. He's feared, ruthless, cold, heartless, manipulative, cunning, a rake. Or so they assume... She's beautiful yet silent, not by a defect, she simply dislikes to mingle with gossip.Yet she has emotional scars that no one sees behind her smile, but a few.
The story is much more than what summary contains! I am personally attached to the story, because I started reading it when it only had three or so chapters. I love the story due to its strong characters and mystery along with passionate romance. It is very well written.
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