Welcome home Min Holly

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"Yoongi~ wake up! Come on you aranged this to happen today so WAKE UP!" I knock my head against the bed as I beg the sleeping figure to just wake up.

"Yoongi....Jimin is almost going to be here! It's 10 am and I know it's your day off BUT WAKE UP TO GREET OUR FURRY SON!" I huff standing up from the floor as I press my lips into a thin line. I've been waiting so long for this moment and finally after 11 months I can see Holly again.

I feel like a bundle of nerves has formed inside me from the long time that he has been away but I am straying away from the negatives. Sure I know Holly would probably need to adjust coming back home with the changes and I know he won't come to me anymore but just seeing him and knowing he is home makes my heart full.

I was jumping of excitement and shock when a while after the day that Yoongi repromised to me to make sure he won't lie about his emotions he suddenly called Jimin and told him he is ready to welcome back Holly. They planned a week ahead for Holly to come home and Yoongi staying home to welcome him back into our home.

Now if only Yoongi can wake up....

"I swear Min Yoongi-" My words get cut off by a groan coming from Yoongi as he begins waking up. He smacks his lips as his hand reaches out to my side before his eyes open and I see him still for a few seconds before sitting up.

"Good morning Mina..." He whispers with a sleepy voice as he opens his eyes staring straight at nothing spesific.

I press my lips together and walk towards him before leaning closer to him and softly patting his head while kissing his forehead.

"Good morning Yoongi" I step back and give him the chance wake up a bit more to remember the day. Seconds pass as he adjusts more to waking up before his eyes are fully open and he outs slightly.

"Come on Yoon remember the day please and call Jimin to see what is taking him so long" I hold my hands together and it seems like he finally registers what is happening as his eyes go wide.

"It's Holly day" He whispers and I nod happily as he reaches out for his phone next to him and blinks adjusting to the bright light before jumping up from the bed.

"Why didn't I wake up sooner! Holly is going to be here in....10 minutes?!" He gasps and I gasp too but from excitement as he seems stressed yet with a smile on his face.

"Finally! Ah I can't wait to see him! Thank you so much Yoongi!" I smile widely at him as he rushes up from the bed and almost trips over his own feet running into the bathroom.

I shake my head smiling wider as I walk out of the room aswell and I walk towards the living room sitting down on my place where my blanket is placed back.

"Now all I will do is wait for Yoongi to get dressed and Jimin to show up...can't wait"


"Hyung I'm here!" I hear Jimin shout from behind the door as I rest my head on Yoongi's arm while the two of us stand next to the front door.

"We can do this Yoonie, welcome our Holly back" I kiss his cheek before stepping back as Yoongi takes a few deep breaths closing his eyes.

"Here I go..."

"Good morning Hyung" Yoongi opens the door making us greet the smiling face of Jimin and I take a few steps back excited to finally see Holly running in so I want to stand away in a small distance to have the best view of Holly greeting Yoongi.

"Good morning Jimin-ah. Thank you for bringing him over so early" I smile hearing the nervous laughter coming from him making my heart melt.

"Don't thank me Hyung. I'm pretty sure Holly knew he was coming home today since he was running laps all around the house and stopping by the front door even before I was but I guess I made him too hyper by telling him that you are waiting for him" Jimin laughs and I smile wider just imagining the sight of Holly dashing around like a puppy.

"Ah I missed him so much" Yoongi lets out a small sigh and I fidget with my hands as I keep on staring to see if I can see anything outside of the door but Jimin is blocking my sight.

A small silence follows as Jimin grins even wider and Yoongi switches his weight on his feet the whole time before speaking again.

"C-Can I perhaps see Holly now?" Jimin laughs covering his mouth at Yoongi before nodding happily.

"I was waiting for you to say so! Let me just-" Jimin stepped out of view for a second before I hear a small click and him returning with a wide smile.

"Welcome-" His sentence gets cut off by Holly running inside at the speed of light wagging his cute tail. I stare in awe as Holly runs straight up to Yoongi while Yoongi picks him up holding him close and letting him lick all over his face.

"Holly my boy! You are finally home" I press my lips together from smiling too much feeling my eyes tear up seeing my favourite sight I haven't seen in so long.

Finally home with us....with him

"He really missed you so much Yoongi-hyung" Jimin smiles at the two of them almost mimicking my expression. He laughs as Yoongi smiles letting a few tears fall from his eyes.

"Thank you so much Jimin" He whispers and Jimin only shakes his head before stepping backwards.

"Like I said no need to thank me Hyung. Unfortunatly I do need to go now though but I hope you have a great day with Holly." Yoongi nods still holding onto Holly that relaxed more into his arms.

"Bye Jimin-ah. Drive safely" Jimin nods stepping more outside.

"Bye Hyung! See you soon" With that Jimin turns around and Yoongi closes the door letting Holly down on the ground making him wiggle in excitement.

"How does it feel to be home bud?" Yoongi asks crouching in front of Holly petting his head.

"I'm sorry for keeping you away for so long...you probably missed home so much...I'm sorry it's a lot different here from how it used to be but I know you know it too" Yoongi smiles sadly down at Holly and I tsk shaking my head.

"Don't worry though Holly boy! I'm sure you will adjust fast and fall asleep all around the house like you usually do. He is just making you sad but he justs wants to say he missed you so so much" I crouch down smiling at Holly but my smile freezes when he turns around and barks at my direction.

"But for now let me go make- oh and there you go" Not even a second passes as Holly runs away from Yoongi into my direction and I suck in a deep breath with my eyes wide.

No way....

"H-Holly!" I laugh blinking away the tears as he runs straight up to me and look at me. At me!

"You can see me can't you huh, my precious boy" I cry smiling as I run my hand through his curly hair while he responds to my touch wiggling his tail happily.

"I love you Min Holly...thank you for coming back home" I close my eyes resting my head against his.

"You literally ran away from me to sit in the middle of the living room? You must really miss her too if you are copying this...don't worry boy I miss her too" Yoongi takes a deep breath and I look up seeing him look into our direction with a few tears falling from his eyes and I smile at him.

"Yoongles don't cry. Our Holly is back home...and he is here to take care of you since I can't anymore. Isn't that right Holly?" I say in a soft tone and Holly barks in response making my heart explode.

Now I just hope it's an easier path from here on out...for the both of you

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