What is the IFB community?

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After talking to friends about my Christianity experienced, specifically IFB experience, I've learned that it's not a super known denomination. Most people are familiar with Baptists, but not all with Independent Fundamental Baptists or the fact that I'm pretty sure there's over 30 different groups of Baptists, the IFB group being one of them. With IFBs compared to regular Baptists, they're completely independent and don't follow other organizations or groups as to what to do- or also known as being fully autonomous (yes, I researched that). This is helpful because the church is able to be flexible according to their community, but it can be dangerous as the heads and leadership can easily twist things to their own preferred ideals. Researching, that seemed to be one of the biggest differences with IFBs and Baptists, independency. 

Now with that out of the way, I'm going to describe the IFB culture in an impromptu manner; it will be messy, unorganized, a lot being spat out, and not a total theological definition or whatnot. 

As I've said, IFB stands for Independent Fundamental Baptists. They're quite known for being much more strict compared to other Christian denominations. Sometimes, they look like crazy Amish people even and I'm sure you may have even heard of stories of people who have left the denomination for various reasons.

A big deal in the denomination is control and fear, though it might not be directly seen as such. Like said in the documentary "Shiny Happy People", it could be described like an umbrella: Christ is the overall big umbrella on top, then the church, the husband, the wife, and then the kids. It's not wrong, it's just very different in this denomination. Submission of wives to husbands is mainly talked about and same with submission of kids to parents and this is talked about with Ephesians 5. Often, it's usually just whatever the husband says is what goes because he's the leader of the home and yadda yadda; you're not supposed to question him necessarily. They're the ones who are supposed to go out and provide and protect. The woman's/wife's role is quite different. She is supposed to be the one who stays at home and care for the kids. It's preferred that women stay home and they're not seen as fit to go get higher education or jobs. The verse of "be fruitful and multiply" is often talked about, there's apparently no limit when it comes to having children because they're a blessing of God. For children, it's also preferred that kids be homeschooled since the public school system is "dangerous". Seeking higher education that's not ministry related is also considered dangerous, and going to secular universities is frowned upon and people will think you're away from God a lot of the time. It's started to become "the church knows God's plan for my life" when actually, the plan for your life is only between you and God, with probably consulting your parents. I'll touch base on this more later on.

If kids choose not to obey or be good, physical punishments like spanking is often used as a fear tactic so that they won't mess up again. Some people agree with that and some people disagree. 

Standards that Christians are supposed to strive for in this denomination include always outreaching to other people and sharing the gospel at every chance you get with every person, modesty, specific music and tv shows, limited dating, and using only the KJV Bible. 

Outreach: Some say that going to a church that doesn't have an outreach ministry is a sin. Something familiar with most IFB churches is soulwinning. It's a door to door ministry, asking people if they're saved, sharing the gospel, and inviting them to church. Sometimes it's seen as forceful, awkward, or enlightening. 

Modesty: This is an area that's rather strict and very specific. No one talks much to the males about this, it's often the females because we're distractions. No low cuts, no shoulders showing, no stomachs showing, no thighs or knees showing, some say no feet showing, nothing too tight, nothing short. Clothing is supposed to be loose fitting and flowy to "leave room for imagination". Pants aren't usually seen as right for females, it's usually just skirts and dresses. It's seen as too "manly". 

Music and TV: Music allowed is often just hymns or songs made by people in the IFB culture. No rap, no country, no pop, no indie or alt, not even Christian rock or Christian contemporary- IFB frowns upon the Christian contemporary crowd. Songs aren't supposed to have beats and you cannot listen to anything secular. Only instrumentals, slow songs, Christian music. For television, many wouldn't allow TV's in their houses, but since society is more modern now than the early 2000's, most homes do have TV, it's become more of a matter of what's allowed and what's not. The bigger things that aren't allowed would be Disney movies and Disney channel, Barbie, Nickelodeon, and so many other shows. It's hard to say what is allowed since there isn't too much.  

Dating: Dating is usually often seen as a big fat no. Dating is wrong, it's like "practicing for divorce" they say. But to argue, you cannot just marry the first person you meet. They do not like the term dating, but many IFB churches use the old term of courtship. Guys have to go to the gal's parents and get approval, both sets of parents talk to approve and yadda yadda, it usually becomes that of an arranged marriage at times. You can't go on dates alone, you have to have a chaperone whether that's a sibling or a parent or trusted adult, no matter how old you are. Talking to the opposite gender isn't usually allowed that it's easy to get the wrong idea from someone even when they just say "hi".  More on this can be said, but I digress.

KJV Bible: This will be the last topic I touch base on for now. Within the IFB community, the only acceptable Bible is the KJV Bible. They say that other translations/versions are wrong, have been interpreted wrongly, parts are taken out, people pick and choose, etc. They argue that only the KJV is the right and only Bible and will not hear otherwise. Some churches even choose to have KJV Bible conferences in which they talk about how the King James Bible came to be. 


Author's Note:

If you've read this far, thank you for checking this out. In my next chapters, I plan to talk about my childhood, how views started to shift, etc. Some things were traumatic and I didn't realize till years later. I hope that this outlet of mine will help others as well. If anyone has questions, please comment below and I'll try to address them by commenting or writing it in future chapters. I won't have consistent posting on certain days, but we'll see what happens. I will also attempt to not use real names of people in my story for confidentiality.

June 15, 2023

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