chapter three.

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"Daves! Dinner!" Sam sticks his head into the door.

"Finally! It's after 7!" I jump out of my desk chair and chase him out of my room and down to dinner.

"Hey, kiddos." Ryan turns from the stove and talks to us.

"Ready to eat?" Ari shuts the fridge, she and Ryan make dinner together as often as their schedules allow, it's pretty cute. Once you get past the awkwardness of watching your parents throw flour at each other and kiss that is. Ari and Ryan are true relationship goals.

"Duh! It's super late!" Sam falls into his spot at the table.

"It is not that late!" Ryan sets the grilled chicken on the table, "It's just late for us."

"Whatever! Doesn't change the fact that I'm dying of starvation over here."

"Sam Cobain! What have I told you about claiming you are dying of starvation?" Ari thwaps her beloved son on the back of the head with disapproval.

"That I can't say I'm dying of starvation until I'm actually dying of starvation." Sam moans.


"I'm just a privileged pretty boy who is accustomed to people waiting on me and I need to learn that the world doesn't revolve around me," I know, a little harsh but Ari has a point. She's made Sam say that since he was six and learned what the word starvation was.

"Thank you, baby. Let's eat!" Ari slips into her chair next to Ryan and squeezes his hand. Sam and I grab the chicken and bowl of sliced fruit immediately and fill our plates with fruit, pita chips, and chicken. Sam likes his sliced and I like mine on a sandwich.

"So how was everyone's day?" Ryan asks picking all the watermelon out of the fruit salad.

Ari starts, "Ya know, same ol' same ol' saw some patients. Mostly just seasonal allergies, and the common cold. I had one kid come in with pneumonia so I got to see the cute lab tech in radiology when I took him down for his x-ray. He smiled at me and asked "Dr. Arizona, how's your day going?" Oh he's such a cutie! I had clinic duty today though and I had to tell a sixteen-year-old she's pregnant and that's never a good time for anyone."

"Forever loving how the highlight of your day is the cute lab tech asking you how your day is. I guess I'll just stop calling you during lunch since you've got the lab tech to talk to you instead."

"Oh, Ryan, stop! You are being ridiculous! I never said that was the highlight of me day, that was the deli in my wing having egg salad today, and you know I love you! I just also enjoy the lab tech's face."

"Whatever you say, Ari. Although I do want to know why he's calling you by your first name."

"All the kids do, Arizona is a lot easier to say than Schulte-Willow. Also, it's more personal. Makes them feel more comfortable and safe. The doctor's can be scary."

"I want to know why you were taking the kid down and not one of the nurses," Sam asks.

"To see the lab tech, Sam," Ryan rolls his eyes.

"No! That is not true!" Ari exclaims, "Okay, that is not the complete truth cute lab tech is just a bonus. It was one of those little kids who was really shy and I just thought I'd take her down myself. Seeing a lot of different people overwhelms the kids sometimes. Best to keep it simple."

"Whatever, Ari."

"Hey! You do it too! Remember that girl from cross-fit in the hot pink Nike-Pros. You stared at her ass the whole class and when she came over to ask you the best method to climb the rope you lost it."

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