4. ...What?

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"You'd better have an explanation, right now," Was all Trix was able to bark at the boy as he pulled her into a side alley next to the pub, through a gap in the wall. He kind of looked cute, a small part of Trix considered, with his bright blue eyes and light brown hair. Catching her look, he simply smirked again, but Trix didn't dare blush.

But Trix couldn't help it.

She slapped him.

"Oww!" The boy exclaimed, holding a hand against his now red cheek, "Geez, you're still pissed. Okay, okay. You want an explanation? You're like me, you've been living in the shadows without realising and now can see the creatures that roam the Mirror World. There. An explanation."

"Wh...what?" Trix faltered, her anger fading and leaving shock. What the hell is he on about?

"Did you not get it the first time? Bloody hell. Look, you're like me, you've been living in the shadows-"

She couldn't help it, but she really should.

She slapped him again.

"Oww! Why?!"

She stepped closer, until they were only a breath away and told him with a deadly edge of calm, "You'd better give me a better explanation, because that one was shit. Also, are you sure you didn't bag your head or something? Have concussion? You're muttering about random shit. Do you need an ambulance?"

Instead of being pissed, he looked confused. "I just gave you one-"

"Yeah, a shit one. So start from the top. And properly."

"Brother, she's not going to believe anything that you are trying to tell her. Let me try," Another voice laughed.

And jumped down from the alley wall behind her was a the almost twin of the boy in front of her.

He was the spitting image of the obnoxious boy in front of her, but where the other boy's were like bottomless oceans, his were like forests, dark green with swirls of brown. His face had a scar running down the right side and up close, had more freckles, too.

And looked older.

"You can't explain it to her like that, remember, she's not from our world. She doesn't believe what you are saying." He finally looks Trix up and down, and nods. "She's in denial,"

"Well, no shit Sherlock." The first one sighed.

"In denial of what? Anyway, are you sure you guys don't have something mentally wrong with you?" Trix questioned, God, they sound so much like Benedict.

The first stranger sighed. "Can't we just get her hypnotised? Be a lot quicker,"

"No." His -brother?- told him patiently.

"Why not? It's not like-"

"We were sent for this for a reason. If you hadn't fucked up-"

"Don't you dare blame it on me! It's your fault too, ya know!"

"Yeah, well I didn't make out with a fucking mermaid!"

That shut the other brother up. "Well, I think we should get her hypnotised. Kai could do it-"

The scarred one scoffed, "Another one you made out with?"

He flushed, "No, she's actually my friend, believe it or not! Unlike you!"

"I'm still here you know," Trix drawled at the twins who continued to argue, and when they continued to go deeper into their conversation, she just walked away. Right out the alley, and back into the Umbra Mortis via the back door. She wasn't going to listen to some sibling tiff.

Not when it reminded her so much of her sibling.

Quietly slipping through the gap in the alley, she made her way back to
It was only when she'd locked the back door she remembered.

The bloodthirsty vampire.

Still frozen.

In the front bar.

"Well shit." Trix cursed.

This shift was gonna be one hell of a nightmare.

"I wonder what happened to the forklift," She thought aloud, wondering how on earth she was going to move that vampire. Or let alone, kill it.

Even just thinking that made her nauseous. She couldn't think of death, of killing anything without thinking of them. It was always painful, and the pain would never fade, just become a dull ache in her chest.

"I'll think of something."

She always did.


Just wanted to say thx for reading this book so far, I have great plans for it and although there are probably books already like this one, thx for giving this one a try!

Happy reading!


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