You And I Might End Up Together

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Aria’s POV

One morning I woke up in a strange bed in a room I never saw before, I was lying alone in a king bed which wasn’t mine.

What happened? I couldn’t remember anything from last night.

I rubbed my eyes to get a better view, that was when I was that I was wearing a shirt that wasn’t mine either.

The shirt was way too big and smelled like a guy, I remembered the smell but didn’t know whose it was.

I looked better around the room I was in and saw than that there was a guy lying on the couch.

Carefully I slid out of the bed and walked to the counter where I saw my purse.

I took out my phone and looked at the time: 11:00 am

“Crap” I thought” I should have been home 10 hours ago”

That was the moment I heard the guy on the couch started to stir he must have been woke up by me.

“good morning” the guy said as he rubbed he eyes, “good morning “I said back.

Than I saw how handsome and cute he actually was, “how did I come here and who are you? “ I asked while I walked to the chair next to couch he was lying on and sat down

“I’m Ezra” the boy said “and I met you in a pub last night you were kind of upset about some boy but you wouldn’t tell me who he was”

“Jason” I whispered to myself “we broke up I only remember walking into the bar and after that everything is just one big black hole” I told Ezra

“you wanted to drive home but I said it was too dangerous so I took you to my place since I don’t know where you live” Ezra said while looking at me “oh and I decide to give you one of my shirts since you was wearing a shirt that didn’t look comfortable to sleep in”

I didn’t know what to say so I just kept staring at my hands.

“do you want to eat something” Ezra asked after a couple minutes of silence

“sure” I said

After eating something Ezra was looking kind of uncomfortable.

“what’s wrong ?” I asked.

“Well last night when we drove to my apartment you kind kept trying to kiss me”

I stated to blush “did we kiss?”

“No I knew that you were drunk so it didn’t seem like a good plan”

“ow “ I answered feeling a bit up sat “well I’m going to dress back in my own cloths and go back home my parents are probably wondering where I am “

“I think it’s better if you do that” Ezra said

When I was dressed and we exchanged numbers I walked towards the door.

“well hope to see you soon call me when you’re home?” Ezra asked while he followed me to the door

“sure thanks’ for letting me stay here for the night and the breakfast it was nice” I answered while looking at his eyes.

“you’re always welcome when you need something” Ezra said while he took a step towards me

I gave him a goodbye hug and when we broke apart our cheeks brushed

I bit my lip and kept looking Ezra in the eyes that was the moment he gave me a sweet kiss, we broke apart and I started to blush.

I turned towards the door and walked through the hallway, I saw Ezra look out the door and gave me a wave and I waved back.

When I turned around the corner I heard my phone beep in my purse I saw a text for Ezra’s number and it said: “what about dinner tonight?”

I quickly texted back: “sure pick me up around 7?”

There came a new text from Ezra which said: “is good see you soon x “

I put my phone back in my purse and walked smiling towards the exit of the building “what a start of a day “ I thought by myself while walking towards my house.

You And I Might End Up TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now