Chapter 7

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Aria's POV

I woke up the next day in Ezra's bed, his arm laying over me.

I stared at his face for a couple minutes when his eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning beautiful" Ezra said and gave me a kiss on my nose.

"Good Morning" I said back smiling at him.

A ringing noise came through the apartment and after a few seconds I realized it was my phone and I slipped out of the bed.

My feet touching the cold ground and I slowly walked towards my purse, I got out my phone and saw that Spencer was calling me.

"Hey" I said with a sleepy voice.

"Did I wake you up?" Spencer asked

"No I woke up a few minutes ago"

Spencer let out a small sigh and said "good, there's a problem with Haven"

My face went pale and Ezra looked at me with a worried look.

"What happened?" I asked my voice was now shaking.

"She fell from the swing in the park and broke her arm, but the doctor's need one of her parents autograph before they can put a casket around it"

"I will be there as soon as I can" I said and I hung up the phone.

I walked fast back into the bedroom and started to pick up my clothes, Ezra stood up and grabbed my hands in his.

"Hey what's wrong" he asked worried.

"Everything is fine" I said as I a tear fell down my cheek "it's just my baby girl and she is in pain and"

Ezra cut me off "Aria breath"

I took a deep breath and Ezra continued "What's wrong with her?"

"She broke her arm and one of the parents needs to sign something" I let out a deep breath.

"Can't her father do that?" He asked while rubbing my hands.

I felt that my cheeks went red "I don't know who the father is" I whispered "I got pregnant while I was drunk"

"Are you ashamed of that?" Ezra asked

"Yes I am what kind of person does that?" I said and sat down on the bed "What if she gets older and asks why she doesn't have a dad like the other children in the class? What am I supposed to tell her, sorry but I was stupid and got drunk so I don't know who your dad is?"

Ezra came sit next to me and gave me a hug.

I untangled me from his strong arms and started to get dressed, Ezra stood up and got dressed too.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"I'm going to bring you, there's no way I'm letting you drive"

All I did was smile at him.

We rushed to the car and drove to the hospital, the whole ride long Ezra held my hand which helped me to not break down.

When we got at the hospital I walked to the floor and room which Spencer had texted me.

I walked with Ezra towards the room, when we got inside I saw Haven sitting on the table while she was holding her arm.

"Mommy" she said with a big smile on her face.

I gave her a hug and when we broke apart she whispered in my ear "Who's the guy"

"This" I said while I went to stand beside Ezra "Is my friend Ezra"

"Hey" Ezra said and he shook Haven's good hand.

A few minutes later the doctor came in and I signed the papers.

"You can come back over a few weeks for a new casket" he told us and we left the hospital.

"Can I get some ice cream?" Haven asked when we stood outside.

"Sure" I answered smiling "Is it good if Ezra comes with us?"

"Yes" Haven said now jumping up and down.

I turned to Spencer and said "I will take her now, thank you for the short babysit week"

"It's no problem, I like spending time with her" Spencer said smiling.

She gave Haven a hug and said goodbye.

Haven walked in front of us and I slipped my hand into Ezra's.

"She's beautiful" Ezra whispered in my ear.

I giggled "yes she is"

The ice cream store was at the other end of the street from the hospital, we ordered ice cream and sat down on a bench outside from the store.

I sat down next to Haven and Ezra sat down next to me, but Haven stood up and said "I want to sit between you two"

"Okay than" I said kind of shocked because she usual didn't want to come close to strangers.

We sat in silence for a couple seconds eating our ice cream when Haven spoke "Ezra, what for work do you do?"

Typical Haven I thought by myself, she always wants to know what people do as their jobs.

"I'm a professor at Hollis"

Havens eyes grew bigger and she answered "That's what my mommy wants to be too someday"

Ezra smile and said "she never told me that"

Haven didn't say anything anymore and we ate our ice cream.

"Can I play there?" Haven asked while pointing to the playground across the road.

"Sure but be careful" I said and held her hand "don't let go of my hand before we're on the other side of the road"

Haven nodded and when we came by the playground she let go of my hand and ran towards the slide.

Ezra and I sat down on the bench next to the playground.

"Is everything okay?" Ezra asked "you look so… tired"

"It's fine, just a hectic day" I said and let out a deep breath.

"Hey" Ezra said while rubbing my back "I fell in love with you in the past few days, and that you have a daughter isn't going to change that"

I fell a tear fall down my eyes and laid my head on his shoulder, before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

Thank you for reading, Please review. 

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