Chapter Five - Amelia

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As I push open the door to my home, I'm greeted by an unexpected sight. Ivy and Morgana stand facing each other, a tension palpable in the air between them. Morgana's expression is dark and accusing, while Ivy seems almost nervous.

"What's going on here?" I ask, trying to assess the situation. Morgana turns to face me, her eyes flashing with anger.

"She stole my fire!" She exclaims, and I'm left momentarily confused. What does that even mean?

"Look, if you two want to argue, can you take it somewhere else?" I say, hoping to diffuse the situation. "I've had a long day and I really don't need this right now." Even though it isn't quite true, I'm hopeful that they will at least act a little more sympathetic.

Ivy seems to take the hint and steps forward to greet me. "Sorry Amelia," She says, a smile breaking out across her face. "It's just so good to see you in person again!"

I can't help but return her smile, grateful for the change in atmosphere. "Likewise," I reply, turning back to Morgana. "Now, can we all just calm down and talk this out like rational adults?"

Morgana takes a deep breath and straightens her posture. "You're right, Amelia," She says, her tone cooling down. "This is your house and your rules. I'll keep it together."

Ivy visibly relaxes at Morgana's words and turns to face her. "I'm sorry, Morgana," She says, "I was just a kid back then, and as an elemental witch, I was drawn to fire."

Morgana chuckles, a sound that sends a chill down my spine. "It's perfectly fine, Ivy," she says, ", because even though I lost fire, I gained lightning in its purest form." Her words hold an undercurrent of something ominous, something I can't quite put my finger on.

"Um, okay then," I say, trying to lighten the mood. "How about we all sit down and catch up properly? I could use a drink after the day I've had."

Ivy and Morgana both nod in agreement, and we make our way to the living room. As we settle down with our drinks, I can't shake off the feeling that there's more to the tension between Ivy and Morgana than what meets the eye. But for now, I'll have to put that aside and enjoy the company of my newfound friends. Oliver closes the door and offers Pax a knowing fist-bump before delicately refusing an embracive hug from Theo. It's still really hard for Oliver to touch people so I hope he understands.

"I'll grab whatever we have." He adds, walking past us at the table while Pax and Theo sit down. I'm sure they're just protective over Ivy especially since the situation before I arrived appeared a little hostile.

A silence overcomes the room before I clear my throat, "So, where's Alistair?" I ask.

"Running an errand." Morgana responds, paying more attention to her nails than to anyone in particular at the table. I'm struck for words when there is a knock at the door. Hendrik, appearing from nowhere goes to open the door and I stand from my seat to join him.

"Can we help you?" He greets as I see the girl standing there with a confused look.

"Oh, hi!" Sierra grins, seeing my face. "This is weird, I'm trying to find Morgana's new place but these houses aren't really marked correctly..." She wanders off for a moment.

"Morgana is here." I state, bringing the smile back to her face.

"Oh my god." She squeals. "No way! You're the angel? That's so cool!" My eyes widen at her words. She knows who I am? With barely a gestured invite inside she steps through the threshold, spotting Morgana easily.

"You know how I feel about your mentions of my grandfather, Sierra." Morgana states, still not looking anywhere but her nails.

"Bite me!" Sierra responds, giggling. I can feel Hendrik freeze at the girls words. Who would say something like that to someone as powerful as Morgana? Despite this, the devil's daughter stands up and walks over towards her friend. "Where's Alistair? It's been ages!"

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