Chapter 1:Convergence of chaos: Bill Cipher vs. Bendy. The Evil Amongst the two

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Earth-97326, an alternate version of Earth and known to be the biggest type of earth there is, Earth-97326 is filled with fictional characters that were shown in cartoon media or merchandise and such, this Earth has many Suns and Moons, some are blocky some are well detailed and some are simple, Earth-97326 still has our countries and islands but far far away there would be places from fiction appear, Hogwarts, Green Hill Zone, you guessed it.

At a plain landscape of Earth-97326 trembled as two powerful demons, Bill Cipher and Bendy, faced each other. The air crackled with anticipation, and the surrounding fictional worlds seemed to hold their breath as the clash between these formidable beings was about to begin.

Bill Cipher, a dreamscape demon with a triangular form, floated ominously above the ground. His yellow, glowing eye fixated on Bendy, ready to unleash chaos upon this alternate Earth. Bill was known for his cunning and his desire to conquer the world, but he had been defeated once before by Stanley Pines, and now he sought to regain his lost power.

Bendy, on the other hand, appeared as a classic cartoon character, with a round, ink-black body and a mischievous grin. He had the ability to transform into anything, and his body shifted and morphed in anticipation of the upcoming battle. He knew the power of his adversary but was determined, hell even bloodlust to kill Bill Cipher, pretty much understandable, for an abandoned creation.

As the clash of these two powerful entities commenced, the sky overhead became a swirling blend of vivid colors and distorted shapes. Bill Cipher summoned his supernatural powers, causing reality itself to warp and bend around him. He unleashed beams of raw energy, each one crackling with untold potential, and sent them hurtling towards Bendy.

Bendy, quick to adapt, transformed his body into a nimble, ink-like substance. The energy beams passed through him harmlessly as he slipped and dodged with ease. Then, in a sudden burst of speed, Bendy solidified his form and launched himself towards Bill, his body elongating and transforming into a sharp, toothy maw.

Bill Cipher grinned in amusement, unfazed by the approaching cartoon demon. With a flick of his ethereal hand, he conjured a whirlwind of dreamscape debris, swirling around him in a cyclone of chaos. The debris acted as a barrier, protecting him from Bendy's ferocious assault.

Undeterred, Bendy adapted once again. He morphed into a slimy, serpentine creature, sliding effortlessly through the whirlwind and lunging at Bill with surprising speed. His shape-shifting abilities allowed him to strike from unexpected angles, delivering powerful blows to Bill's defenses.

Bill Cipher, feeling the weight of Bendy's relentless assault, called upon his dreamscape powers to retaliate. He manipulated the very fabric of reality, causing the ground beneath Bendy to twist and contort, forming traps and obstacles in an attempt to subdue his adversary. But Bendy's ability to change his form allowed him to navigate the treacherous terrain with ease.

With each clash, the power of their attacks echoed across the plain landscape, tearing through the fabric of Earth-97326's reality. The air crackled with energy, and the multitudes of fictional characters in the surrounding realms watched in awe and fear as the battle unfolded.

The fight raged on, a clash of wills and powers. Bill Cipher, driven by his desire for dominion, unleashed his full arsenal of dreamscape abilities, manipulating the very essence of existence to gain the upper hand. But Bendy, resourceful and adaptable, countered with his own brand of chaotic energy, his transformations becoming more ferocious and unpredictable.

As the battle between these two mighty demons waged on, the fate of the world hung in the balance. The clash of their powers shook the very foundation of the plain landscape, and the outcome remained uncertain. Only time would reveal which of these formidable beings would emerge victorious and shape the destiny of this alternate Earth.


A mysterious portal appeared right infront of them

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A mysterious portal appeared right infront of them. The two stopped the fight and looked at it curious. Bendy would return into his normal cartoon form and the weirdness fades away

"Wowee never seen that before" Bill said shock. He thought he knows everything but it seems as though he does not

Bendy stared at the portal as he dosent speak. Yet, soon something came out of a portal. A giant tentacle! Covered in something like ink but different and is trying to catch them. The two dodged the tentacle fast. Soon enough more and more tentacles like the one they dodged appeared from the portal too and tried to capture them. The ground would then be slowly covered by darkness and the two would fend off the tentacles.

"Every attack they just kept coming!!" Bill exclaimed. He would then grow big and have large teeth and limbs and started breaking the tentacles one by one

Bendy then made his hands into big and sharp claws and started slicing and dicing the tentacles. After two hours and seventeen minuites the tentacles would retreat into the portal and the portal closed. The demons were exhausted and return to their normal forms

The two would look eachother on the eyes still burning with the passion to kill eachother. But then the two passed out.

Someone would then go to the passed out demons, and drags them somewhere. Somewhere safe as he knew that its going to be an apocalypse a long long one.


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