Chapter 7: Ash Catches His First Pokemon

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Dustin's POV

Ash and I were now traveling through the dense Viridian Forest, being followed by a girl name Misty still upset about the bike. I just kept my peace, annoying her behind us until.

"AHHHH!" Misty screamed, getting behind the two of us, much to our surprise.

"H-Huh? What's the matter?" Ash asked, looking startled by her sudden scream.

"Look! O-Over there,  you two!" Misty called out, pointing to where there was a Caterpie.

"Cool!  It's a Caterpie!  It is one of the Bug Pokemon!" Ash pointed out in awe.

"Even if it is a Pokemon,  bugs are disgusting!  And I don't like them!  Do something, you two!" Misty pleaded shakily as she took several steps back from the curious Caterpie who turned to face where we were.

"You're too much, " I groaned at her scared Meowth behavior. I get not everyone's fancy Bug-type Pokemon, but her behavior was too much with the screaming and hiding as it would hurt her.

I turned to Ash, who seemed fixated on catching Caterpie holding out a Pokemon. I sighed mentally, knowing he forgot about the battle first before seeing it,  but I decided I deal with that afterward. For now, I would find a different target. I was looking for Pokemon that have a strong will and are determined to fight regardless if they stand a chance or not, a Pokemon that matches my battle style.

And just as I was thinking about a new possible target, there was a rustling sound, causing me to turn towards the source and see...


I narrowed my eyes as I saw the male Nidroan. When it reaches its final evolution, it can become quite a powerhouse, and I saw how fierce my sister Nidorino was in her match in the Indigo League.

I glanced at Empuress, who smiled and jumped off of my shoulder and glared over at the Poison-type Pokemon.

"Alright,  stand back!  This one's a piece of cake!" Ash assures confidently, holding out his empty Pokeball for capture. My manatee and Caterpie both stared at each for a moment until Ash threw his Pokeball at the small Bug-type.

"Pokeball, go!" He called out, preparing to make his first catch.

"Let's go, Empuress. Start with Scratch! " I commanded, having her opponent who was bracing himself for whatever came to his way.  As we were doing that, I could tell Misty and Pikachu were watching me as I felt eyes on my back.


Third POV

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the forest...

The group of three, however, didn't know that in the distance from them, a figure was watching them while riding on a fire-type horse.

The figure wore a black jacket and a hood that hid its face in the shadows,  making it hard to tell if this was a friend or enemy.

"Those people, what brings them into Viridian Forest," The figure asked as it adjusted his hood, pulling it down some more.

"What do you say, Flare?" The figure asked the horse Pokemon.

The only sound was silence, yet the figure seemed to hear something as they smiled.

"I agree they might be a great help getting through here past the Beedrill, especially the older-looking one..."

And with that, the hooded figure continued to watch from a distance.


Dustin's POV

I watched as Empuress charged with her claws landing the first hit as Nidoran tumbled back from the blow but recovered quickly and glared back at Empuress and me.

The small horn on its head glowed before he charged to make a counter move.

'That's Horn Attack, which can hurt Empuress if she gets hit. ' I thought, looking at the incoming move.

"Dodge, then Swift!" I commanded.

The Horn Attack narrowly missed Empuress before she hit Nidoran hard with Swift. The move knocked the small poison type down to the ground as he yelped in pain. With the current amount of damage is taken.  It was the perfect time to catch, but I knew better than underestimating the little guy.

"Furry Swipes, don't hold back any of your power!" I ordered.

Because to any opponent instead, there weak or strong, holding back is considered an insult to them. To show respect, wild Pokemon or not, I would like to win, fighting with everything I have got like a true champion.

Nidoran continued to get hit back and forth by the continuous strikes of Empuress claws before he growled and jumped to escape. But from the condition that he was in, he took a lot of damage... meaning this was the perfect time to throw the Pokéball.

"Now Pokeball go, " I called out, throwing it towards Nidoran, who shrieked in surprise before the ball made contact with his head.

Once it did, the ball sucked him inside before it fell to the ground and shook six times until it clicked, signaling that it was caught. A smile formed on my face, happy about my newly captured Nidoran male.

Empuress walked over to the Pokeball and picked it up in her mouth, heading to me smiling. She was pleased about her successful battle and capture. I still needed to pick a nickname out for the little guy, though.

'Now to see how Ash was doing and remin-' I thought before being interrupted.

"Mm... Mm... YES! I did it! Haha...!"

I saw him grinning happily as he rushed over to the Pokéball that didn't move. That indicated that he successfully captured his very first wild Pokémon. Through that was only because Caterpie was not the strongest, so catching it without battling worked,  but we definitely need to work on that some more before his next capture.

"I did it! I got Caterpie! I did it all by myself! I caught my first Pokémon!" Ash exclaimed before he began to boast about it by showing Caterpie's Pokéball to Misty, who was watching him with a slightly disinterested look.

An embarrassed smile formed on my lips though I was happy to see he caught his first pokemon.  His behavior needed work if he planned to become a successful Pokemon Master.

"This is the first step on my way to becoming the number one Pokémon Master in the whole world!" He laughed before he held Misty by the arm and running around with her.

"Hey! Wait a minute...! I'm getting dizzy!" She shrieked and continued to protest as she was forced to run around with my mentee.

"Look out, Pokémon! Nothing's going to stop me now!"

I shook my head at his behavior, knowing this might not end well,  but I didn't blame his excitement.

To be continued...

Dustin's Pokemon:

Pokemon On Hand:

Meowth: (F) [Eumpuress]

Aerodactyl (M) [Aeroblaster]

Vulpix (F) [Kitsune]

Spearow (M) [Gale]

Nidoran (M)

Ash's Pokemon:

Pokemon on Hand:

Pikachu (M)

Caterpie (M)

Question of the chapter: What no cannon Pokemon should Ash catch when he starts getting better as a trainer with Dustin's help?

Also, most of you want James and Meowth to join, Cassidy and Butch to take their place after Pikachu and one person wants an Oc to take Jessie's place when she quits.

Word Count: 1193

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