Nuova vita?

547 25 6

- First Person POV -

With a groggy consciousness, my eyelids fluttered open, granting me glimpses of light as I gradually regained my senses. As my vision cleared, I found myself lying down on what seemed to be a solid surface, though I couldn't discern its nature just yet. Confusion washed over me, leaving me with a disorienting sense of displacement.

"Where... am I...?"

I murmured, my voice barely audible in the void of uncertainty that enveloped me. The surroundings, devoid of color or distinctive features, only intensified my bewilderment. It was as if I had been transported to an ethereal realm-a white expanse stretching infinitely in all directions, blurring the boundaries between sky and ground.

My thoughts raced, trying to make sense of this perplexing scenario. How could I explain it? This peculiar environment resembled a pristine, featureless box, with no distinguishable landmarks or points of reference. The pervasive whiteness gave an eerie and otherworldly quality to the scene, as if I had entered a realm beyond comprehension.

As fragments of memories began to coalesce, a sudden realization struck me with the force of a thunderbolt. The recollection of the fateful truck accident flooded back into my consciousness, bringing with it a sense of profound disbelief.

"Ah... That's right... A truck... It hit me..."

I muttered, the words escaping my lips in a mixture of shock and resignation. The weight of the truth settled upon me like a heavy shroud, and I couldn't deny the grim reality any longer.

But then, like a bolt of lightning illuminating the darkest night, an alarming revelation crashed through my thoughts, causing my voice to rise with a mix of incredulity and dread.


The words erupted from me, each syllable laced with a potent cocktail of fear, astonishment, and a desperate yearning for this revelation to be nothing more than a terrible mistake. The finality of death loomed before me, shattering any semblance of normalcy I had clung to in this strange white expanse. Uncertainty and a gnawing sense of dread now accompanied me, as I grappled with the profound implications of my newfound understanding.

Overwhelmed by the weight of this staggering revelation, I felt my world spin and tilt in disarray. Waves of dizziness washed over me, threatening to upend the fragile equilibrium within.

The intensity of it all pushed me perilously close to the edge of nausea. My stomach churned in protest, a sickening sensation that mirrored the turmoil within. The disorientation and vertigo merged into a symphony of sensations, making it difficult to find solid ground amidst the tumultuous storm of emotions.

"Jeez, calm down. Dying isn't something that surprising."

A soothing yet assertive feminine voice resonated in the ethereal expanse. Intrigued by the unexpected presence, I turned my gaze towards the source, my dizziness dissipating as curiosity took hold.

"W-what the...?"

I stammered, my eyes scanning the surroundings in search of the mysterious speaker. After a moment of bewildered exploration, my gaze settled upon a figure-a person who emanated an undeniable beauty that captivated my attention.

 After a moment of bewildered exploration, my gaze settled upon a figure-a person who emanated an undeniable beauty that captivated my attention

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