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- First Person POV -

"Man... I sure am lucky that I found some extra coins magically appearing in my pockets to enter the city-"

I mused, a hint of amusement coloring my words. It was a stroke of unexpected fortune, but I wasn't one to question such serendipitous occurrences.

Now inside the city, I strolled leisurely through the winding streets, taking in the sights and sounds that surrounded me. The architecture exuded a charming medieval charm, with stone buildings adorned with ornate carvings and intricate details. The cobblestone pathways beneath my feet echoed with the echoes of centuries past, each step I took feeling like a journey through time.

The city was a vibrant tapestry of life, with colorful market stalls lining the thoroughfares. Merchants called out their wares, their voices intertwining in a melodic symphony of commerce. The tantalizing aromas of freshly baked bread, aromatic spices, and blooming flowers wafted through the air, stirring a sense of nostalgia within me.

As I continued to explore, I couldn't help but be captivated by the liveliness of the city's inhabitants. People dressed in attire befitting the era mingled with each other, going about their daily lives.

Lost in my observations, I meandered through the maze-like streets, allowing my curiosity to guide my path. I marveled at the quaint shops selling an array of goods, from handmade crafts to antique trinkets.

As I continued my leisurely exploration, my eyes were drawn to a building that bore a striking resemblance to the quaint inns often depicted in anime. It exuded an inviting aura, as if it held secrets and tales waiting to be discovered. Glancing at the signboard adorning the entrance of the house-like structure, my eyes widened in surprise.

"Locanda della Foresta..."

I muttered, the words rolling off my tongue effortlessly. A moment of confusion washed over me as I realized something peculiar. Since when could I understand Italian?


With a mix of curiosity and excitement, I stepped through the entrance of the inn, eager to immerse myself in the ambience of this charming establishment. The interior was cozy and welcoming, adorned with rustic wooden furnishings and soft lighting that cast a warm glow. The air was thick with the aroma of comforting home-cooked meals and freshly brewed coffee.

As I approached the reception desk, a friendly innkeeper greeted me with a warm smile.

"Ciao! Would you like to rent a room, Miss?"

The innkeeper greeted me with a warm smile. I nodded in response, still adjusting to being referred to in a feminine manner.

"Yes, how much does a night cost?"

I inquired, my mind quickly calculating the value of the coins I had saved. I had one gold coin, three silver coins, and five bronze coins. In this isekai world, it seemed that one gold coin held the equivalent value of a hundred dollars in the states, while one silver coin was worth ten dollars, and a bronze coin was equivalent to one dollar.

The innkeeper leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with kindness.

"For a comfortable night's stay in one of our cozy rooms, it will cost you two silver coins."

She replied, her words carrying the weight of a reasonable price.

"Alright, here you go."

I said, handing the innkeeper two silver coins as payment for my stay. With a grateful nod, she accepted the coins and handed me a key, a subtle smile playing on her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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