2. -But Some Things Stay the Same

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The groundbridge was opened quickly and closed just as quickly- enough time for Boulder in his dust form to slip through and onto the island without anyone noticing a giant, glowing portal hovering in mid-air.

The engineer rolled across the ground and then settled into stillness for a moment, listening for activity or human approach... only the wind whistling through an empty space. After a minute, he emerged enough to peer around.

Weathered brick pillars lined several grooves through the ground, with metal beams that sprung from their tops and curved upwards and connected to form the framework for a roof- a roof that had long since lost most of its glass panels, the remnants glistening under a cloudy sky and the shattered portions like glittering sand on the ground. In the grooves were more beams of metal, welded together and underlain by old wood planks rotted away to leave small divots in the soil... old rails.

Broken windows lined the building structures lining the edges of what was obviously once a train station, where passengers would board and exit train cars on their way to their destinations. Boulder was well familiar with the railway system- having read much about it and also having built a train track himself that was supposed to link Griffin Rock with the mainland and sadly went to waste due to malfunctions. He really needed to check and see what kind of structural damage the tunnel sustained when the island teleported away- flooded no doubt, but would it still work as a possible escape route for something catastrophic happening again?

A matter for another time.

Boulder solidified into his full form, standing up and looking around. Whatever activity this station once had, it seemed to have been abandoned long ago. Dirt settled in the cracks of stone had sprouted weeds, the rails were in disrepair, and the entire yard around him showed signs of weathering and neglect.

How's it looking there, Buddy?

Boulder jumped as Graham's voice came through on his comm, how long had he been standing there just staring? "Quiet..." He mumbled, walking slowly towards one of the buildings. "I arrived outside of an old abandoned train station."

Any sign of our mystery mosaics?

"Not yet... Still picking up their signals?"

Clear as day. The nearest one from you is... west.

"I'll look there first, then-"

A loud crash rang out through the abandoned station, sending the mosaic dropping down into a defensive position as he whipped around, but it was then followed by the same eerie silence, and a new, glistening pile of shattered glass- one of the remaining panes had fallen, that was all.


Boulder, you okay?

"Y-Yeah, just... Jumpy, I guess."

You're exhausted. Try not to overdo it out there, okay?

"Right... I'll take it slow, I promise. Rest when I need to."

Boulder shook off the trembling trying to crawl up his frame and moved on, headed west and keeping an optic out for any humans nearby. He didn't need to make an incident...


The space was filled with the sound of metal creaking and groaning, but Diesel wasn't sure if the creaking was coming from the door or himself.

"Oh come on... come on...!"

He'd managed to get his fingers tucked up under the massive door holding him from freedom, trapping him inside of what used to be the Diesel Engines' shed. Rust crawled up the walls and wind whistled through the tiny, broken windows up above his head, and he was strangely alone. He hadn't been alone when he'd gone to sleep the night before. Several other diesel engines had been here with him, all getting some rest after a particularly long and hard day.

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