9* ★~No peace~★

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A piercing alarm woke Jisung up. He groaned as he turned over to his phone and turned the alarm off. He checked what time it was. Ugh, it's only 7... Jisung whined internally as he ripped the covers off of himself.
Jisung went to his bathroom and took a shower. After he got out, he put on a basic white tee and some gray jeans. Jisung went over to his phone and pulled up his schedule, checking when his first class is at. 8..? Why'd I pick for my class to be so early?
Jisung thought for two minutes before coming to the conclusion that it would be smart to leave early so he could familiarize himself with the campus. Jisung put on his favorite cream-colored shoes and put on a high waisted denim jacket. Wow, I'm dressed overly nice for university.
Jisung ran back to his bathroom to put in his eye contacts, then fled out of the dormitory, carrying his backpack in his hand by a strap. He reminded himself to stop by a coffee shop before class.

Minho Pov:

"Eughhh" Minho groaned, hearing his alarm blare in his ears, getting up from his bed and glances at his phone. Why did I choose morning classes again?
whatever... He thought walking towards his closet,
grabbing a black baggy shirt with a white graphic tee and a pair of ripped black jeans, putting on the jeans and tucking the black shirt on, he slides the white graphic tee on over it. "bwahh" Minho sighs, shaking his head after he puts the shirt on, grabs his favorite rings and slides them on. walking into the bathroom he brushes his teeth and does his hair, Walking out the door of his bedroom he grabs his backpack that's on the hanger and puts his shoes on, he saw his roommate rushing in his room
He really needs to learn to close his door...
Minho thinks as he unlocks the door and exits

Jisung was absent-mindedly fixing the straps on his backpack, actually putting them on his back, when he ran into someone slightly taller than him. He saw it was his roommate.
"Eugh WHAT THE FUCK?! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING DUMBASS?" as he turns around he sees his roomate. oh shit what? His roommate stood frozen, petrified. "sorry..." Minho mumbles,
continuing to walk in the direction he was going in.
The younger shuddered as he watched Minho's silhouette get smaller.
oh my god I regret that..
Minho thought, covering his face as he walked
through the halls hearing his phone ring "Hello-" "MINHO WHERE ARE YOU I'M OUTSIDE THE DORM BUILDING" Chan screamed through the phone "jeez my ears...i'm almost outside, I see you standing like an idiot" Minho said tiredly while walking out the doors, ending the call "Hi" Minho said looking at Chan "Hi emo" "GOD DAMNNIT CHAN HYUNG NOT YOU TOO" Minho groaned
"It's only the beginning of the day and i'm already tired of It" Chan sighed "Well, any progress on being nice to people?"Minho stayed silent for a bit before speaking "I literally screamed at my roommate for bumping into me" Minho groaned into his hand "and i didnt know it was him" Chan hit minho in the back of the head lightly "that isn't nice at all minnie!" Chan said as the two kept walking to class. Stopping at Minho's first class, the two waved goodbye to each other. Walking into his class he looks at the seating chart and is sat next to Seungmin and Hyunjin Atleast it's someone I know..
"Hey seungmin!" Minho said, glad to see a familiar face "Minho hyung! Hyunjin hyung is running a little bit late, he has to get his americano everyday, ...oh there he is!" Seungmin looks over at Hyunjin, leading Minho to look in that direction smirking as he sees Hyunjin turn around and slump his shoulders walking towards the duo "Well well well if it isn't the one who got beat yesterday" Minho said smirking to Hyunjin "You're cruel" Hyunjin says glancing at Minho "you too traitor" he says glaring at Seungmin in a playful manner "Class is starting" Minho said facing the front.
"Okay listen up!" The teacher shouts "You are in college so I'm not going to baby you all, for your first assignment is a 5 page essay about your future, why you joined this college etc. I expect it to be done by no later than Friday this week! That is plenty of time! you may now have time to yourself or to brainstorm ideas"
"A 5 page essay on the first day?! what the hell?!" Hyunjin whined. "Stop complaining, college is different from the levels before us" Minho said with his head down on the table. He felt like texting whoever that hannie guy was but he was probably busy in class atm as well. After class ended Minho bid farewell to Hyunjin and Seungmin as he started walking towards his next class, hm chemistry huh...
He thought, annoyed about having 2 annoying classes at the beginning of the day. Walking in, people were seated at tables of 2 each. Looking at the seating chart posted on the board he searched for his name, Minho...Minho...Minho...There! I'm seated with someone named jisung? huh alright.
Minho thought to himself curious as to who Jisung was. Jisung walked in the room looking at the seating chart as well. Great...he's in my class.. Minho placed his head down again not wanting to deal with any more crap that day. He heard a chair slide next to him, not caring enough to who it was. He didn't care about looking at his new seatmate so he just kept his head down on the desk.
"You're Minho?"
A/N~ I didnt know where to end this one BUT BUT BUT! I POST MONDAYYYY!! AND AND AND THURSDAYYYYY!

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