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Chuckling at the prank, Minho walked into Chemistry. Glancing up he saw Jisung staring at him. When he sat down at his seat he spoke to the younger "Hey, uh why were you staring at me?" Jisung looked down at the desk before responding, "Am I not allowed to look at people as they enter the room?" "No like it was a uh Stare stare you know, hm nevermind" Minho sighed, pulling out his phone.
Jisung turned away and took a silent sigh of relief that Minho didn't question his odd behavior.
Minho saw a hand spread out, palm facing up, in front of his phone. "Minho, Give me your phone, you have not been listening to my lecture this whole time!" Groaning in annoyance Minho placed the phone into the teacher's hand "Detention after school, you will get your phone back after class"
The teacher said, turning around to go back to her desk. Oh shit he has detention too?! how will i not get caught?! oh i'll just say i skipped it! Jisung thought, keeping eyes away from the other so he didnt seem suspicious, even though he wasn't "tsk, such a damn nuisance, stupid fucking teacher" Minho murmured, annoyed about having this person as his chemistry teacher. He leaned his head back, looking at Jisung in boredom. He's been acting weird since this morning, all that happened was he pulled me down and I couldn't get up? What's the deal?
Jisung felt a pair of eyes on him, so he looked over to his right and sure enough, Minho was staring at him. Jisung snickered, and before having time to think, asked, "Who's staring now?" Minho rolled his eyes, glaring at the other "Shut up I was thinking and I just looked wherever I could"
Jisung laughed, "And why was that 'wherever' me?"
"I just looked wherever, what? Are you trying to tease me?" Minho said, leaning closer to Jisung "Well it isn't working" Leaning back in his chair, he looked at Jisung for a response. Jisung rolled his eyes before saying, "Could you at least pretend it worked?" Sighing Minho made a pouty face "Oh i'm so sorry I looked at you" He said facing his head downwards, then back up at Jisung. Giving him a 'are you happy?' look.
Jisung laughed at Minho, his own ears turning slightly red. However, he nodded in approval, trying to ignore how hot his ears felt. Sighing, Minho put his head down, falling asleep on the desk. Jisung was still staring at the boy, somewhat astounded. He can fall asleep that easily? Jisung thought, watching Minho's body rise and fall. Jisung grew bored, not wanting to listen to the professor's useless lesson, so he laid his head down, still looking at Minho.
Jisung admired his features, able to see them better than when they were in his room. Jisung took out his phone and from under his arm, he snuck a photo of Minho once more. At this point, he had around 11 photos of him. Smiling to himself, Jisung put his phone back in his pocket and continued to admire the sleeping boy in front of him. Minho woke up, feeling a gaze on him. Opening his eyes, he saw Jisung gazing right at him. They made eye contact for a few seconds before Minho broke it and sat up.
. His head jerked up from its resting position, looking the opposite way with widened eyes. SHIT. When did he wake up?! How long did we hold eye contact for?! Jisung's face grew an insane shade of red as he thought about what had just happened a few seconds ago. He dug his head back into his arms, embarrassed that he was caught staring. Jisung felt something poking his shoulder, he turned his head to the left only to be met with Minho's eyes again. "I'm bored" Minho said, making Jisung stare at the other blankly. "No way, Minho hyung himself started a conversation? character development?!" Minho put his hand on his face. "Oh my god, not the character development..." Jisung laughed at that, sitting up and he looked at Minho "and what about it? It's true right?" Minho glared at the younger "Shut up! It is not you little shit!" Minho said, making a small smile.
"Whatever," Jisung grinned, "What does the Lee Minho want to talk about?" "Whatever" Minho said, placing his face on his right palm, elbow on desk.
Jisung stared at Minho for a bit looking at his smile. He's smiling because of me! He thought before deciding to say something so he didn't seem weird.
"...Can we talk about last night? I wanna know what fully happened," Jisung asked the older. Minho hesitated for a bit before responding, "Uh, well, I cooked the ramen, then went to wake you up to eat. I shook you once and you swatted my hand away and turned over, the next time I shook you, uh, then you grabbed my hand and pulled me down."
Jisung hummed and the older continued.
"I couldn't get up because of the tight hold you had on my wrist and I was very tired, so I ended up passing out on accident, blame is also on me though, sorry."
Jisung sat up and turned to the other, quite quickly.
"Nono! It was my fault, I pulled you down when you were asleep!" Minho rolled his eyes, sighing at the younger's stubbornness. "It's not your fault! you were asleep! you have no control over what you do in your sleep!" Minho whispered, not wanting to get in trouble again. "Lee Minho, come collect your phone from the front desk, class will end in 7 minutes," the teacher called. "Be right back I guess," Minho said, standing up from his seat to get his phone. When Minho got back to his desk, he looked at Jisung, talking with him again. "They treat us like highschoolers! Detention...taking our phones!" Jisung nodded, "Yeah! I got detention for being too loud!" Minho's eyes widened in shock. "You? detention? What the hell?! For that?!" Jisung sighed, putting his palms on the edge of the desk. "Yeah, it's actually stupid! We are adults!" Wow, he's the second person I know to have gotten detention today for 'being too loud'.
Minho only nodded in response before the bell rang. "I'll see you in math, bye," Minho said, walking out of the classroom, turning the hallway and entering History.
Walking to his desk, he saw Felix was already there so he just sat down without a word, meanwhile Felix was texting Jisung.

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