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I stretched and yawned wide as I rolled out of bed to get ready for school. It was the first day of Junior year and as much as I hated school, I was excited to see all the friends I wasn't able to this summer. I slid on some jean shorts, a white T-shirt, and my pastel blue Converse. I pulled my long, raven-colored hair into a braid that fell to my lower back. Grabbing my backpack and a granola bar I headed out the door.

It was still dark out as I got in my gray 1992 Ford pickup truck and headed toward La Push Beach. Just about every morning I headed down to La Push to watch the sunrise and some nights I went to watch the sunset. I loved all the bright, beautiful shades of yellow, orange, pink, and purple. Especially when the wind blows and the clouds become thick, wispy swirls, it looks like all the colors are flowing like the ocean's waves in the wind.

I backed my truck into a space in the parking lot closest to the edge of the cliff. Laying blankets and pillows down, I hopped into my truck bed and ate my granola bar. As I watched the sun come up I journaled about the start of a new school year, what I was hoping for, who I was excited to see, and what I thought may happen this year. While I journaled I heard the crunch of footsteps on gravel approaching my truck. 

"Hey, Sunshine!" A familiar voice called out to me using my childhood nickname. Everyone called me Sunshine since I've always loved to watch the sun rise and set. I turned to see Jacob Black standing next to my truck bed.

"Hey, Jake! Hop in." The boy, who was starting to look less boy and more man, climbed in and sat down next to me propping himself against the pillows.

"What're you writing?" He questioned.

"Just the usual, stuff and things," I said turning the word-filled page to a blank one.

"Right," he said, " you going to school today?" He asked. We both attended the school on the Reservation. My parents sent me to Forks High School for a year and then found it was cheaper and easier for them and me to send me to the school on the Reservation instead.

"Of course, I'm going to school today. It's the first day! After that then who knows," I said laughing. "Speaking of we should probably get going," I said standing and jumping out of the bed. Jacob got out too and helped me pull the cover onto the back of the truck.

"Want to drive me to school?" Jacob said while hopping into the passenger seat. I laughed and nodded and then we were off.

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