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It was around six-thirty in the morning when I met up with my childhood friend, Leah Clearwater. We climbed up a tall pine tree to a branch about seven feet off the ground that had a sparse amount of leaves so we could get a good view of the sunrise.

"Thanks for meeting me for sunrise, Leah," I said, leaning over to give her a side hug.

"Of course! It's so early, but I love you so I'll tough it out," she laughed.

Leah rambled on and on about Sam Uley, her ex-boyfriend, and according to Jacob and Embry, the local cult leader. She talked about how much she hated him for breaking her heart, how much she wanted to hate Emily, Sam's current girlfriend, for "stealing Sam," and how much she missed him and still loved him. I responded the same way I do every time she talks about Sam. I sided with her, agreed with her, and threw in the occasional "wow" and some gasps.

"So, what's going on with you?" She asked at the end of her never-ending rant. It had been about a month since I'd seen Embry. He hadn't answered any of my phone calls, or messages, and when I went to his house, his dad would tell me he was either not home or not feeling well. It was frustrating and hurtful. He was my best friend and he won't even speak to me.

"Embry and I got into a huge fight a couple of weeks ago and we haven't spoken since." Leah's head whipped around in shock.

"Lauren! That's insane for you two. You're best friends. What happened?" I took a deep breath and released it slowly, then I recounted what happened the night of the bonfire on La Push Beach. It was eating at me not being able to see him. I couldn't even ask Jacob what was going on because he had been so busy hanging out with Bella that I hadn't seen him. I would be seeing him later that day so I would be interrogating him for any information.

"Wow," Leah finally replied, "that doesn't sound like Embry. I can't believe he lost his temper like that. I also can't believe you didn't kiss him back. I get the whole not wanting to ruin friendships, but I know you're feelings for him too." I shrugged in agreement.

* * * * *

I knocked on the door and a few moments later, Jacob answered, his long hair loose down to the middle of his shoulders.

"Sunshine!" He shouted cheerily. He swooped me into a hug and let me into his house. "Want to go swimming at La Push? I figured it's nice outside and we should take advantage of the rare sun we get."

As we drove down to the beach Jacob told me all about the past month, how he and Bella refurbished motorcycles, how he saw Sam Uley and his crew cliff jumping, and how he was going to see a movie tonight with Bella and her friend from school. I had no clue Bella was such an adrenaline junky.

We parked and headed down to the beach. It was nice to see Jacob again. I missed my friend and I was definitely a little skeptical of him and Bella, but she makes him happy and all I can do is be happy for him.

"Hey, Jake?" I asked. "Have you heard from Embry at all lately?" Jacob shook his head and frowned.

"I haven't talked to him since the bonfire. I have been busy, but I saw that Sam got to him."

"What!" I shouted a little too loud. "I thought he couldn't stand Sam. That must be why he hasn't talked to me since the bonfire." Jacob looked at me in surprise.

"You haven't talked? What happened?" I told Jacob everything from what happened at the bonfire to how he hasn't been answering my calls or messages and how he hasn't been home. It honestly made me sad, but I felt like there was nothing I could do.

"I'm sorry, Lauren, I wish there was something I could do." I gave him a hug and then we dropped our stuff and enjoyed the beach.

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