I love you Rain...❤️❤️❤️

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It was morning and Rain was the first to wake up...

He opens his eyes to see Payu hugging him and peacefully sleeping next to him...

Rain recalls everything what happened last night...

He did not understand weather to get angry or shy or embarrassed...

He could not get angry on Payu because...
Payu had asked his permission before doing anything...

And also Rain was completely aware what all happened yesterday night...

So there was no use of getting angry on Payu..

Rain also see that he was completely naked and Payu was also sleeping naked next to him...

Only they were covered with blankets till their waists...

Rain tries to get up from the bed to wear clothes...

But his body was aching like hell....he trips and falls on Payu...

Payu wakes up and opens his eyes...

Payu : Rain... Rain... what happened...???

Are you alright..???

Rain was so embarrassed to look at Payu in his eyes...

Rain doesn't look at Payu...
He just replies...

Rain : Please close your eyes... Am naked...

Payu closes his eyes and signals...

Payu : Rain there is a towel on the chair.. please take it and wrap it...

Rain quickly goes and wraps himself in the towel..

Payu : Are you done..???

Rain : Yes...

Payu : Now please close your eyes till I wear something...

Am really okay even if you don't close...

Last night we both completely saw each other naked...

Rain was completely shy and embarrassed...

Rain : Ass hole...

Payu grabs his boxer and wears it...

Then he approaches near Rain and carries him in his arms....

Rain : Why are you carrying me...??

Payu : Your body is aching right..???
Am carrying you to bathroom...

In bathroom....

Payu : Please take warm bath...
Your body will feel fine...

If you want anything just call me...

I will keep new set of clothes for you near the door...

Rain still could not face Payu...

He just looks down and says okay...

Payu leaves the bathroom...

While Payu was leaving Rain saw all the scratches done by him on Payu's back...

He feels still more embarrassed...

Some scratches was deep and it was completely turned red...

Some parts were also wounded as Rain had scratched him hard in his nails...

Rain feels bad about it...

Finally Rain starts to take shower and when he came in front of the mirror he could see all the love bites given by Payu...

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