Angry Rain 😠

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Life was going good after marriage...

Payu did not leave Rain alone even for a single second..

And Rain was completely addicted to Payu...

He wanted to see Payu when ever he opens his eyes...

But one day Payu had to attend a very important meeting...

Rain was in his 5th month...

Rain did not want to go to his parents home and so Payu makes maids to stay at home and take care of him...

Payu attends the meeting and it was so important that Payu had to go to office for a week and the work was hectic for Payu...

Payu advises Rain to go stay in his parents home because he will be very busy for a week....

After asking so much finally Rain agrees to stay in his parents home...

Payu : Baby please don't get angry on me...
You know it's very important or else I would have stayed with you....

Rain : Atleast come back to my parents home daily after your work....

I can't stay away for a week without you....
Or without seeing you and feeling you...

Payu : Fine baby I will come straight away to your parents home daily after work....

Payu takes Rain and drop him at his parents home....

The work in office for a week was really hectic to Payu as he had to go very early in the morning before Rain wakes up and come back after he sleeps...

Payu was not even getting proper time to call and speak to Rain...

1 day continues to 2days and 2 days becomes 3days....

Rain couldn't even see his hubby face properly...

Even couldn't speak to him in calls....

Rain was getting frustrated....

He was making a angry face and sitting on dining table...

Rain mom : Rain baby... why are you angry now...???

Rain : Mom I didn't not see Payu from 3 days...
He is coming home after I sleep...

I don't know when he come home and sleep and when he is going to office....

Rain mom : Don't get angry for this Rain...
He works hard.... You know how much he as already sacrificed for you....

Soon as you got pregnant he started working from home and taking care of you...

Now it's really important so he is taking time in office...

Even I saw Payu this morning he went to office by morning 7am....

I told him to at-least have breakfast and go but he said he is busy and told me to take care of you....

What ever Rain mom was saying nothing was going into Rain head...
He was so mad at Payu....

Every night Rain tries to wake up sit and wait for Payu....
But as he was in his 5th month his body was so exhausted and he would sleep off before Payu come home.....

Payu came home late and was kissing Rain and his baby bump....

Finally a week was over and Payu's work was completed....

Payu knew that his baby was very angry....

So he goes to store and gets a basket of all Rain's favourite chocolates....

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