Life with a baby 👶

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Rain stayed with Payu in their home...

He did not want to go to his parents home after delivering so Payu decided to keep maids all around the home and Payu was always next to Rain and the baby....

When ever baby cries in middle of the night Payu wakes up and makes the baby to sleep...

Payu knew how much pain Rain went through from pregnancy till giving birth so he always takes such a good care of the baby and Rain...

Rain : Payu don't you get tired of taking care of the baby and me...

Payu : You two are my life now sweetheart...
It's a blessing for me to take care of you two...

I never imagined my life will be this beautiful...
You came into my life and made it meaningful...

There is nothing more I need in this life now...

Rain : Payu... I never imagined someone will love me so much in this life...

The love you show me makes me greedy...
I feel like I want your love more and more....

Payu : And am ready to give you that love to your sweetie...

Rain : Payu what name shall we keep to our little one....???

Payu : Am so confused baby...
Will think about it and select the best name for our little one...

After searching and thinking so much finally Payu and Rain decides to name their baby


Autumn is the season which neither too hot or too cold it's a warm and beautiful...

As Rain and Payu had names like season and weather they even wanted their baby to share a beautiful name related to weather...

The name was very unique and special...

Autumn completely looked liked exact copy of Payu....

He looked like a mini version of Payu...

Rain was carrying Autumn and looking at him so sweetly...

Rain : I carried you for 9 months
I gave you birth but you look exactly like your dad...

But am so happy because you will be even more sexier and handsome when you grew up...

Payu smiles at Rain....

Payu : And also most beautiful like your papa...

Rain smile's shyly looking at Payu...

Rain : Even after so many days you still make me shy with your sweet words...

Payu : I know how to make my wife shy...

Rain and Payu were taking such a good care of Autumn...

They loved him like anything....

They always believed that Autumn was the symbol of their love and god's gift...

They made a happy family....

They captured so many pictures of Autumn growing up...

So many pictures of their family pic were installed in entire home...

And who ever visits their home loved all the pictures at home....

Payu Rain and Autumn were example for so many that true love still exists and beautiful family also exists....!!!

Note : Am closing the story here...
Anything more can be requested and I will do my best to add it....

I will be waiting for all your comments...🤗

If nothing needed then I will proceed with my next story....
I promise next story also will be so interesting and unique then all....

Love you all for reading my stories and liking it...
Means a lot to me...🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

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