Chapter 6 ||She's Mine||

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You need to fall and break to learn and love

I smiled as we walked to the auditorium. "Then Raiden jumped in and tackled Azriel. Screaming for the views!" We laughed as she described her brothers' first video. I actually looked him up and his channel was amazing. He creates a lot of music and I really enjoy it. "That sounds hilarious, poor Azriel." We entered the area catching the teacher's gaze. The blonde waltzed up and smiled at us. "Hello again Kurama. Thorn, we have a set piece for you to paint. Did you finish your assignment?" She gave a nod as I grinned at her and turned to him. "Would it be alright if I stayed here? I don't use study hall anyways since I have two." His orbs widened and he grinned, "I don't mind, feel free to join us whenever." He grinned making my smile grow as she nudged me softly. I gave a playful smirk as she giggled and turned to him. "I have a set piece to paint?" She asked and he motioned to a tall wooden set standing on stage. It looked to be a blank piano. "Why don't we just bring the actual piano from the choir room?" She asked tilting her head as I agreed. "We would, but it's too much of a hassle to get it in. Also, no one knows how to play piano." I hummed as she let out an ah. "Alright, I'll get to painting." She said and he waved us off. "Can I help at all?" She paused, tilting her head. "Well I'll have to do details but I need to paint the whole thing black and white for the base. Want to help with that?" I shrugged, "Sure I don't mind." With that I followed her to the stage, she sat my jacket with our stuff and rolled the sleeves up on my shirt. It looks good on her. "Alright let's get started!"

I laughed, cupping her face I ran my thumb over the paint on her cheek. She blinked leaning into my hand as my grin only grew. "So messy, yet so pretty." I complimented teasingly, she grinned at me playfully rolling her eyes. "Why thank ya," she tapped my nose and giggled, "hope ya like that darlin'." She sassed and my face flushed as she giggled. "Lucien? Why is he still here?" Huh? She raised a brow, equally confused as we turned our heads to this kid with ashy hair and bright emerald eyes. He glared at me, making me raise a brow and return it. "Oh, Arthur? Ah, what ya talkin' bout'?" Ah, Arthur is the kid in a grade lower than us. Also one of the top theatre students. He shifted setting a hand to his hip, "I mean doesn't Kurama have class...or fans to entertain?" She cocked a brow and I rolled my eyes. I was fixing to speak but she stopped me. "I suggest you apologize or rephrase that. Because I will never allow you to talk to him like that, understood." She hissed out, her tone was dark as she glared at him and he stiffened under her gaze. Damn, she's hot when she's pissed. I grinned at her, "why are you defending someone like him?" Arthur bit back, "Don't act like you know him. Stop judging someone based on appearances and rumors and grow up." He froze as he folded his brows at her harsh tone. "I swear why are ya even acting like this? It's not like we're friends or know each other." She scoffed, rolling her eyes I leaned towards her. Arthur stiffened at the statement, his eyes darting towards me as I glared and mouthed the words 'She's Mine.' he stiffened and glared back harshly. She glanced at me and smiled at me, she knew I said something. But it's not like she knew what I said. "As Thorn said," I started turning my gaze to him, "fuck off." His brow twitched as he scoffed and stormed off stage. "What did you say to him?" She spoke once he left eyesight. "Don't worry about it, I'll tell ya one day." She hummed and simply nodded not pressing it any further.

She's taking a while? I folded my brows and stood, she said it would be only two minutes it's been ten. I slipped to the back; "GET OFF ME!" My orbs widened and I slammed the door open, she had her arms up one hand covering his face as he inched closer gripping her wrist. Her body visibly shook as she thrashed and pulled a bruised arm away. My head snapped up, "Ack!" He landed on the floor cupping his cheek as she slipped behind me gripping the back of my shirt as I clenched my fist. "What do you think you're doing." I seethed, and my feathers began to appear falling as his orbs widened. I'm impressed he's still holding his ground. She lightly tugged on my top and I turned my head and wrapped an arm around her. She's shaking so much. I pulled her into my chest as she gripped my shirt. I lightly took her wrist examining it. It's already turning black and blue? My brow twitched as I turned my glare back to him. "Get out before I beat the shit out of you." He flinched, scrambling up and leaving the room as I felt her grip tighten. "Thorn," I cooed softly as she paused then met my eyes. "I'm right here." A tear then two, she sniffed as I ran my thumb over her cheeks wiping them softly as I held her. "Do you want to tell me what exactly happened?" She sniffed again and nodded, "I came in and got the paint like I said I would and just when I was fixin' to walk out he came in. Askin about what my relationship with you was and I told him it wasn't any of his business and asked why he was acting like this. I never really spoke to him so I was confused. He kept getting closer and backed me into a corner and the can dropped. I was glad it didn't spill, but he grabbed my arm and started bombarding me with questions. He spoke so fast and I didn't understand what he was saying. Then I yelled at him to get off and you came in." I nodded softly, frowning. "Do you want me to beat him up?" I questioned softly adding a playful tone making her chuckle. "No, I don't want you in trouble." I chuckled, "who said it had to be at school?" I shrugged as she sighed and shook her head. Then I flushed seeing her lay her head on my chest. "Please don't, I want you to be safe and I know you can handle yourself." Thump..thump...thump... I ignored my rising blush as I ran my fingers through her hair. "I will be. But let me defend you. I hate that he hurt you." Her eyes met mine and I noticed a slight pink dusting her cheeks as her gaze softened and she smiled. I gently took her wrist, careful not to hurt her more. Why couldn't I have studied some healing arts back home? It would've been useful. Then pressed my lips to her wrist. Her orbs widened as her face darkened and I smiled softly. "Alright?" I asked and she slowly nodded, her eyes darting away from mine as I grinned. She's embarrassed but allowed me to do this. I'm glad. "Alright," she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper as I grinned. "Good, now let's go to the nurse." Class ends soon anyways, she nodded as I set a hand on her back and we walked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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