07 | radiance

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"Do you want something to drink?"

Chris stands up from the chair. He runs a hand through his hair and grimaces at the feeling. It feels dirty, maybe because he's been in the studio all day and couldn't finish the song he wanted to make. It made him frustrated, so he ran his hand through his hair quite a lot. He knows he needs to take a shower, but has to finish this tutoring session first.

You look up from answering the question on the sheet of paper. You shrug, "Sure, whatever you're having is fine. Just no beer."

He rolls his eyes, "I'm not drinking beer at six in the afternoon, Riley," he says before he leaves his room to grab something to drink from the kitchen and leaving you to answer those questions.

Chris sighs to himself and rubs his hand over his face in frustration. "Fuck me," he whispers, the way you looked at him not leaving his mind once. You look so adorable, so cute when you're concentrating. It's making him go insane. It's annoying.

"I think I just met the love of my life."

Chan looks up in shock hearing the sudden voice. When he notices who it is, he breathes out and shakes his head. "Ji, you scared me. I didn't hear you walk in."

"No?" Han asks as he places down the groceries on the counter. "I'm usually pretty loud."

Chris shrugs. "True, I guess I was lost in thought."

Jisung frowns. He eyes his hyung up and down, checking if something's wrong with him. He's usually not like this. Chan is the one that's sharp, always. No matter what, Chan is the one that notices and helps out anyone he can that he cares about. It's not like him to be lost in thought.

"Are you... alright?" Jisung asks in hesitation. "You seem distracted."

The dark haired guy shrugs again. He takes the Sprite from the fridge and pours two glasses of it, also taking two Kitkats from the cupboard. "I'll be fine."

"That's not what I asked."

"I don't want to talk about it."

Jisung nods, "Understood."

The two exchange a small smile. It's silent for a while until Chris speaks up. "You said you met the love of your life?"

Han's face lits up and he nods. He takes out the items from the bag and stores them in the places they belong.

"Yes, Chan-Hyung... She was so beautiful. I was on my way from the grocery store and I was suddenly craving coffee, so I went in the campus café and ordered one. But the girl standing at the counter, she was so cute! Chan, you should've seen her!"

"Who was it?"

Jisung shrugs, "No idea, didn't catch her name. But she had the most beautiful smile around her face and she was showing no interest in me whatsoever! It was so hot, I want her. She totally ignored my flirty comments and basically shoved me away from the counter, but that makes me want her even more!"

Chan chuckles and shakes his head. "You're something else." He pats the younger his shoulder, him stumbling a little forward. He catches himself from falling over by leaning against the counter, making Chan laugh even louder. "I hope you can ask her out one day."

"I'm definitely asking her sometime!"

The male nods at his younger friend. He grabs the glasses and Kitkats and backs away. "I'm going back to my tutoring session. See you later, Ji."

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