Chapter Two:World Destruction and Last Moment

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3rd Person POV

"Let the sweet destruction of this world begin......."

"Starting with you. Phantom King and Ice Empress"

As he said that he rushed towards Feldway and Velzard with a insane speed


As Feldway tried to say something, he was thrown back a miles away from his current position


Feldway muttered in pain and tries to find out what happened as he saw a figure infront of him

"What happened Phantom King, not so tough like before huh?!"

Rimuru Tempest said that to Feldway as he coated his sword with Turn Null Energy and slash his left arm


Feldway scream as he jumped back from Rimuru and glare at him

'How the hell am I feeling pain?! Doesn't I have pain nullification?!'

Feldway thought as he griped onto his sword tightly with his right hand but Rimuru started to speak

"Ho! You must be wandering why you can feel pain even having Pain Nullification and your Regeneration isn't working?"

Rimuru said mockingly towards Feldway


Feldway look at his missing arm and glare at Rimuru again

"Ohhhhh I'm so scared! Hahahahaha kidding, you are nothing infront of me"

Rimuru continue to mock Feldway making him angry as he tried to attack Rimuru with his "Ark" with his full speed

"Wrong move"

Rimuru dodged the attack, surprising Feldway


Rimuru immediately grab him by throat and knees at his stomach with incredible strength


Feldway fall onto his knees and try to use his skill but soon he finds out that he can't use any type of skills

'What the hell?! How come none of my skills are working?! I can't even use magic as well'

Feldway thought desperately trying to figure out what is going on but realised something

'Wait.....Is this his doing?!'

Feldway look towards Rimuru who just smirk at like a maniac, making Feldway's eyes widened in shock and fear

"H...How.....How are you able to cancel out all of my skills and magic?!"

Rimuru stayed silent just looking at the Phantom King lifelessly

"Answer me, you Damn Slim-"

As he about to finish his sentence, Rimuru pierced his sword Feldway's right leg making him scream in pain again


As Feldway continue screaming, Rimuru slowly took his sword out and kick him across his face sending him crashed into a mountain

"You want to know why Bastard......"

Rimuru said in cold and stoic voice, making Feldway shivers in fear for the first time from anyone else then Veldanava

Feldway POV

What is this feeling? Am I fearing this slime? But that's impossible! No one other than Veldanava-Sama can make me feel fear! Then why....why am I feeling fear in his presence?!

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