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Things escalated and we were now popping perks

But I still gotta drive ma ass home

Babes.I gotta go home

Don't crashhh hahaha

Lets hope.I lalaala don't

I got in my car and successfully didn't crash

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Jay wasn't all dat high

But I was higher than the sky

I walked in slurring and shit

Jayyy I screamed

Where were you bro and your location off he said grabbing my neck

Whatttt you say

Damn I know tiana ain't got you like dis

I love markeese maw! {Ma ex}

Oh wrd he said gripping ma neck tighter but remembering I was drunk he let me go

JAYklickin I'm gonna click my heart if you don't gimme ma heart that is soooo expennnsivve  hahaha!?

Yo I'm leaving

I grabbed his hand trailing my fingers down his Amari jeans

Jayyy you don't love me

My view went black that'll happen when I get to ma drunk limits

I woke up seeing my legs shaking

Jayyy I shouted bc I only remember him being here before I went to da deli


Why ma legs hurting so bad I said crying

He cleared his throat so last night you hit yo drunk limit you kinda tied me and we did



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