Chapter 22: I Miss the Misery

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  *December 10th*

  You sat in the café next to Lenore as the two of you really couldn't get enough of each other. It was a feeling you wanted to hate, but after some sleep, you thought it over, and thought that the less enemies you had, the easier your time would be. Especially since the way you two were sitting. Hugging onto each other wasn't gonna end any time soon. Especially with Victoria laughing at the situation.

 Especially with Victoria laughing at the situation

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Victoria: HAHAHAHAHAAA!!! That's some sorcery. Robin, you have any idea what's up with them? As funny as it is, these two look like their suffering. But this is interesting. A spell to force opposites into consensus. I need to take note of this.

Robin: . . .

Y/N: Robin?

Robin: . . . Hmm. Oh, right. Sorry. Umm, the magic Sutrah put on you two isn't anything I can even begin to comprehend. Magic like this shouldn't even be possible to be grasped by mortals, but it is a small incantation. However, it only has a time limit and should be done by the weekend. IT seems to only make you both compelled to see the good in the other person. Like therapy or whatever.

Victoria: So you both can't insult each other at all.

Y/N: Not a bit. Lenore, insult me.

Lenore: Fine. You look very sexy in your suit. GAH! SEE!!

Y/N: Lenore, your lips look beautiful in this lighting. . . What the hell was that.

  Victoria laughed a bit to herself as Robin seemed like he couldn't care less about what was happening.

  Robin stands from the booth but you grab onto his wrist. You noticed his voice was colder than usual, like he was turning into the old . . . well, you.

Y/N: Hey, you okay? You look drained.

Robin: I'm fine. I just have a lot of studying to do. 

Y/N: You sure, you usually talk a bit more.

Robin: It's whatever man.

Y/N: You know if you need to talk I'm always-

Robin: I'm just tired.

  You didn't believe it. He didn't sound like his usual self. He used to be more upbeat, and right now he was just. . . well.. . . not upbeat. Pretty dark even.

Y/N: Yeah, but you've never been like this when you're tired Robin. IF you wanna talk.

Robin: I said I'm fine.

  Come to think of it, you haven't really talked with him that much for the past week. Just handling the issue with Lenore for the most part.

Y/N: I'm just saying that-

Robin: I said I'm just TIRED! Okay?!?

  You recoil a bit at Robin's response as he takes off his had and ruffles through his hair with clear agitation. 

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