Chapter 35: The Lone Van Helsing

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~Act II~
~Heaven and Hell~

*October 15th, 2023*

  Almost a year has gone by since previous events. 

  The previous Halloween, a Van Helsing entered the city of Sleepy hollow. Neutral ground for all manners of beasts. Creatures from many myths and legends mankind has assumed to have been only myth and legend. But these creatures find their ways to weave their ways into society, living under the guise that mankind has to them.

  But with every beast, there are those who hunt them. The Van Helsings being one of the many hunting families. But has recently dwindled to only two members. But after the reawakening of an ancient Vampire known as Carmilla of Styria, using one of the Van Helsings like her puppet, she has dwindled them down to their last member.

  (Y/N) Van Helsing. The last Van Helsing.

  After being forced to take his own mother's life, he has spiraled into a spiral of depression, once again seeing all monsters as all other humans do. Creatures of the night who only desire death and destruction. Maybe it was grief that twisted his mind, maybe it was loss, sorrow, sadness, anger, his yearn for vengeance and scorn. A Roland for an Oliver as some say.

  But all those emotions seemed to cancel out leaving him a husk of what he once was. But this husk was nothing if not dangerous. 

  To man and monsters alike.

  We focus our attention outside of the city. To the streets on the outskirts of Sleepy Hollow. A couple was driving through the wet streets down through Tarrytown. 

Alex: Hey Cindy, you think this whole party is gonna be worth the drive?

Cindy: What, you scared?

Alex: Haven't you heard? The creepy shit that happened a year ago in Sleepy Hollow? Some people said they heard the howling of a demon wolf. It's howls echoed from Sleepy hollow that some even say they reached New York. Besides, you know that town is creepy in and of itself.

  Cindy let out a chuckle.

Cindy: Oh please. There's no demon wolves or monsters out to get us. Serial killers maybe, but not wolves. . . I hope at least.

  As the couple talked, something jumped out rolling off of the side of the car making the two scream in fear. Alex tries to get control of the wheel as the car skates across the road. Luckily, Alex manages to get it under control, as a harrowing silence fills the air. Nothing but their breath can be heard through the cold air, that and the pitter patter of rain.

  Alex looks over his shoulder, looking at the road seeing what they hit. Slowly getting out of the car as the rain matts his hair down. He sees something on the road. Something he can't quite make out.

Cindy: W-What is it Alex? Is it a person?

Alex: I don't know.

  The figure begins to move lightly, making Alex recoil. Alex tries to steal himself as he pulls out his phone to get a closer look, but he feels a hand on his shoulder as he screams going to punch what was behind him, only for his fist to be caught by a boy. A boy with long (h/c) hair matted down by the rain, a long coat. He also noticed the shotgun he had on his back which made him even more confused.

???: This isn't a tour show. Get the hell out before that thing get's back up.

Alex: W-Wait. What? You know what that thing is?

???: None of your concern. I'm trying to be a good person about this by not just scaring you out of here, but. . . Oh fuck me.

  The boy takes the shotgun off of his back as Alex noticed the creature standing behind him. It looked like a giant humanoid bat. It stood at around 7'0 tall and had blood red eyes that's hue radiated through the rainy darkness. The boy pushes Alex to the side as he blasts it's right hand with a shotgun, making it's fingers go flying off in a mess of blood. The beast let's out a shriek as it holds onto it's arm.

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