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After ensuring that Embry would take over, Jake and Bella left the shop, driving away on his motorcycle. They were long overdue for a serious conversation, four years worth. Jake stopped along the road that led to First Beach, parking near a massive oak tree with barren branches. Most of its leaves were dead already, scattered over the jade green grass. He laid out his leather jacket for Bella to sit on. They reflected on the past and discussed recent events while watching the low tide come in.

"How long have you been back in town?" Jake asked.

"Not long. Today is day three." Bella replied. She leaned her temple onto his shoulder.

"Why didn't you call? Or come sooner?"

Bella shrugged, "call and say what exactly? I didn't think you wanted to see me. I said some pretty nasty things to you at the wedding—everyone else, too."

"We never held it against you." He whispered against her mess of soft curls.

"I needed time to come to my senses. He was really good at painting himself to be this knight in silver armor, and despite everyone telling me I was wrong, I had to find all that out on my own." Bella shivered.

"Are you cold?" Jake scooted closer, pressing more of his body to hers while they sat on the hill overlooking the shore.

"No," a meek smile curled on her lips, "but if you're offering, I won't complain."

"I'm just glad you're safe, Bells." He hooked his right arm around her middle, gently squeezing her to him. "I worried about you every single day."

"R-really?" Her lips parted; she exhaled a terse gasp.

"Yeah. Lotta lost sleep. Right after everything happened, I phased and ran all the way to northern Canada," he paused, "I was gone for close to a full year. I let my wolf take over. My human self couldn't cope."

"I... I'm sorry." Bella murmured.

"Don't you say that." He said with a delicate but urgent seriousness.

"But I am sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry."

"You did what you thought was right. None of it was your fault. We were both so young—I was so impulsive." He chuckled.

"Just a tad." She agreed, smiling up at him.

"Hey, it's in the past. What matters is you're here now."

Jake lifted his arm, hunching over so he could take his work boots off. He stood up, peeled off his jumpsuit, and stowed it in one of the side compartments on the bike. She sat there confused for a moment until he rolled up his tight jean pant legs, removed his socks, and tucked them into his empty boots.

He continued, "you wanna take a walk on the beach with me? Like when we first hung out?"

Bella stared up at him with an incredulous look.

"Right n-now?" She stammered.

"Yeah, I thought it would be nice. Water'll still be warm this time of the year."

Bella pondered her response. "Sure, that sounds nice."

She followed in his footsteps, removing her worn-down converse, dainty half socks and rolling up her skinny-jean pant legs. He extended his hand to help her stand up, and they carefully descended the steep slope to the waterline. Jake was right. The water was pleasant with the sun shining; it was near perfect weather. Bella pushed up her flannel sleeves and soaked up as much of it as she could. The wind cut into her like a knife, but she stayed close to Jake to sap warmth from him. He had more than enough to spare.

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