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Jake's heightened supernatural senses were suddenly triggered by the sound of creaky floorboards; he came to a standstill, pulling away from her and struggling to focus. His eyes darted from Bella's enthralling gaze to the back door. Jake desperately tried to catch his breath and regain his composure. He knew it wasn't sounds of the house naturally shifting. Someone was inside.

"What?" She asked, reading his expression. "What is it?"

"Shh," he whispered. Bella listened carefully. Jake pulled her into his arms, all the tiny hair standing up on his neck.

He continued, "who the hell is in my house?!"

Jake whipped his head left. He could make out two shadows disrupting the neon light from the microwave clock. A deep, animalistic growl rumbled from within his chest, his whole body vibrating on high alert. Bella was terrified. Was he going to phase? Were they in danger? Her heart skipped a beat as the sconce light to the kitchen flicked on; the blinding column fully illuminating two massive figures.

"Jesus Christ, Black. It hasn't even been half a day and you're already trying to get in her pants."

It was Quil. Bella recognized his sarcastic tenor voice; her eyes hadn't adjusted to the kitchen light yet. Jake relaxed, the heavy tension melting away from his taut muscles. She immediately turned as red as a tomato, hiding her face against Jacob's hot chest. He grumbled unevenly, staring at the two men who interrupted them in the archway. If looks could kill, Quil and Embry would have suffered an agonizing death, having walked in at the worst possible time.

"You'd think he would learn how to wine and dine a girl after four years apart, huh?" Embry rolled his eyes, sporting a wide grin.

"Listen," Jake huffed impatiently, "what are you guys doing here?"

"Well, we're not on patrol tonight and wanted food after work. I figured we'd swing by and invite you. Didn't think you'd be preoccupied, Jake." Quil chuckled, walking over to the fridge to peruse the contents. He stole one Coroja and a soda from inside, smacking them open on the edge of the counter, handing the ICB root-beer to Embry. "Looks like you went shopping. Finally."

Jake rolled his eyes and tried his best to contain his bubbling annoyance. He scrubbed a hand down his face, an exasperated sigh leaving his parted lips. Bella froze for a moment in his arms, eyes wide in embarrassment. She shoved out of his hold and sat up quickly, smoothing down her messy hair. That's awkward, she grimaced.

"Yeah, we went earlier. I was gonna make dinner." Jake croaked, a sudden emptiness filling his chest with the absence of her touch. He picked up his shirt off the ground.

"What're we having, Romeo?" Quil wandered in through the doorway, flicking the light to the living room on. He chucked the remote at Jake who aptly caught it less than an inch away from his face and turned off the static on the television.

"I was making cheese pasta for Bella." He set the remote down and grabbed her flannel, handing it to her. She snatched it out of his hands and hurriedly shoved it on. Her entire face to her chest was one singular shade of rosy pink.

"Oooh, sounds yummy. I love a man who can cook." Embry came into the room and took a pensive swig of his drink.

"You guys are such asshats." Jake stood up from the couch and gazed longingly down at Bella, who was staring into space. "Coming, honey?"

"In a minute, kitten-whiskers." Quil mocked, making a kissy face at him.

"Shut up, idiot." Jake ignored him, extending his hands for Bella to stand up. She accepted it reluctantly, still feeling weak in the knees. Bella gulped nervously, wringing her hands out of habit.

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