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My next class I had Richie and Stanley in and they just argued back and forth. "We have the same hair you kike!", "yeah but mine is washed and dried and styled. Yours is, dried". I had to keep my laughs in most the class and so did the class. They were like their own comedy show. Richie turned to me at one point and looked me up and down before asking "Ed's. Who's hair looks better?" I looked between them before rolling my eyes, "Eddie. And Stan's". Richie threw a tantrum after that and Stan smiled. I smiled back.

At the end of the day as I was walking over to my bike, Richie ran up to me. "Uh hey Eddie do you wanna go to my party tomorrow. It'll be at my dads cause he's out of town for a business trip", he looked nervous and bill was way behind smirking. Uh this is suspicious. "Is Beverly going?" He nods, "then sure yeah". "Great I'll see you tomorrow!" Then he ran off. Bill pays him on the back as they walk over to where Stan is and I turn and continue onto my bike.

Once I get home my mom is standing at the door waiting for me. "Hey baby how was your first day" she smiles while going in for a hug. I have to hug her back. "It was fine, can i spend the night at a friends house tomorrow?" I ask and she instantly cringed, "Ed's you know you can't risk that. Your asthma could act up". I roll my eyes without thinking and she strikes me across the face, when my face turns I make eye contact with Richie across the road at the house next to me, he's on the porches swing. "Rich momma. Sorry" and I walk in.

I worry what Richie thinks as I'm walking upstairs to my room. I have the whole upstairs to myself since my moms room is downstairs. I walk into my room and open the curtains and look down at the porch, Richie isn't there anymore. I shrub before starting to unpack my boxes. First I put my clothes in my dresser then I get out a few decorations I have. Then I get my medicine and set up my cabinet. I have a tiny cabinet under my work desk and that's where all my medicine goes.

It's right infront of the window so when I stand up my eyes meet with richies. His room window is right across from mine. He smiles and waves. I close the blinds.

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