Final Forever 🔞

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They checked in, Wei Wuxian tapping his foot impatiently. He wanted to get Lan Wangji alone, needed to. Why was this affecting him so badly? It wasn't as though he hadn't expected just that reaction.

Lan Wangji quietly let his lover drag him into the lift and then into their room. As soon as the door was closed, Wei Wuxian jumped him.

Lan Wangji caught the younger man, holding him close as Wei Wuxian kissed him hard and desperate. He carried Wei Wuxian over to the bed and sat on the edge, the smaller man straddling his lap.

“Lanzhan.” The word was tiny and questioning and Lan Wangji felt his heart clench with pain and anger. Pain for his lover, anger at his lover's parents.

“Whatever you need, baby.”

Wei Wuxian leaned into his lover's strong chest in relief, sliding arms up round his neck. “Just want you.”

It was corny, but Lan Wangji replied anyway. “You got me.”

Wei Wuxian almost laughed and he kissed Lan Wangji more gently. His lover kissed him back so sweetly, Wei Wuxian felt like he might start crying again. Instead, he dropped his head on Lan Wangji's shoulder with a sigh.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Wei Wuxian nearly shook his head. “They're old enough to be my grandparents, you know.”


“Yeah.” Wei Wuxian snuggled closer. “Mum thought she couldn't have kids so I was a bit of a shock. I don't know if Dad ever got over it.”

Lan Wangji stroked Wei Wuxian's spiky hair. “What do you mean, baby?”

“We never got on.” Wei Wuxian shrugged. “I always felt like I was a burden to him. The only time he spoke to me was if I annoyed him, so eventually I started to do it deliberately, at least then I'd get some attention.”

“And your mother?”

“She was usually mediating between us. Poor Mum.” Wei Wuxian straightened up and met Lan Wangji's gaze. “For a while, being gay was just another way to antagonise him and now he doesn't take me seriously.”

“Does your mother take you seriously?”

“I don't know.” Wei Wuxian grimaced ruefully. “I just... I don't know what to do, Lanzhan. I thought I wouldn't care what they think, but I do.”

“They're still your parents, love. Everyone wants their parents to love and approve of them. Maybe you don't get on, but I know you, Weiying you love them.”

Burying his face in Lan Wangji's shoulder again, Wei Wuxian shook his head. “It's not fair, Lanzhan, why can't they just accept me?”

“I'd be very surprised if they didn't love you, Weiying, but being so much older when they had you probably made it harder for them to deal with a child.” Lan Wangji smiled to himself. “As adorable as I'm sure you were, I'll bet you were more than a handful.”

Wei Wuxian almost laughed, huffing out a breath. “A handful is right, I don't know how they coped really.” He sighed. “It's just, Dad never treated me like a son, just an inconvenience. Everything was always too much bother for him. I never got to do stuff after school, football, swimming, going to see friends and I certainly couldn't have friends over... oh man, I sound like a whiny bitch now.”

“No, you don't.” Lan Wangji kissed his lover's hair. “You're not a whiny bitch, Weiying, you're mourning your childhood. It's okay to do that with me, you know that.”

“Yeah, I know.” Wei Wuxian let himself smile just a little. None of his friends would recognise him at this moment. He'd always been the hellion of the bunch, out for laughs and kicks but never really letting his emotions out. Lan Wangji was the first person he'd ever been able to let see all of him. Maybe that was why he loved the big man so much; he made him feel safe without making him feel weak.

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