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"So, what have you thought about the project?" Daniel asks taking a seat next to me.

"Ha! I was supposed to think? That is your job. I am here for the final touch-ups."

"Okay. Listen to me for once and for all. As much as you might think that I am dying to work with you, you are highly mistaken. I am hating every minute of this just like you. So can you please stop acting like a princess. This will help in making things less difficult for both of us."

I sit there stunned by his lecture. Damn, this guy always leave me speechless. I just nod.

"Now that's like a good girl." I see him supressing a smile. I clench my fists.

"Hey no need to get all angry. So when do you want to meet up? Your place or mine?"

"Are you free after school today?"


"Let's meet up after school today. Will your place be fine?"

"Princess wants to come to my place?" He asks startled

"Do you have a problem with that?"

"Nah. By what time will you be there?"

"I’ll follow you. I am no good with directions.."

"I am not surprised." he mumbles. 

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing. Fine then. Meet me in the parking after school." he says and leaves.

Way to go Eva. Now you have made a total idiot out of yourself, I say to myself. 

After school I wait for him to show up. He finally arrives playing with his keys and whistling.

"You are 20 minutes late."

"Exuse me? What are you, my mom?" he says

"You should learn to be punctual. Nobody makes Eva wait."

"Oh, well I guess I am the first one then. You'll get used to it." he opens his car door and slides in. I sit in mine and follow him as he exits the parking. It turns out that it's only a fifteen minute drive from school to his place.

"Welcome to my humble abode."

"I've never been to this side of the town before.: I tell him

"Oh.Do you want me to fix you something to eat?"

"You'll do that on your own? You know how to cook?"

"Well when you are not born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you do learn how to do stuff." I get offended.

"No thanks.I can do without food."

"Are you sure?"

I am about to say yes when my stomach grumbles.

"I have got my answer." He smirks and I blush.

"Umm. I skipped lunch in school today. So.."

"I get it. " He says and walks into the kitchen. I follow him checking out the pictures on the walls.

"Hey is that you? You were a fat kid!" I say pointing to a picture and now its his turn to get offended.

"Hey! You are being rude." he crosses his arms over his chest. I look at his expression and burst out laughing.


"You look so funny when you are angry."

"Yeah right. Why don't you make yourself useful and find some information while I do this?"

"Okay." I go back to the hall and set out my books and laptop on the table. I start searching for some information but soon get bored and open up Facebook.

"Hey I think I asked you to find information." Daniel says sitting across me and taking my laptop away . He hands me my sandwich and starts typing frantically.

Man, Just when I start thinking that maybe this guy isn't that boring, he goes back to being his nerdy self. And now he is glaring at me beacuse I am not paying attention.

ME,  A SPOILT BRAT? Don't be ABSURD..Where stories live. Discover now