07.5 | The Late Modern World

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1770s-1840s - Age of Revolution
1770s-1870s - First Industrial Revolution
1774 - James Watt's first rotary steam engine
1776 - Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations
1789-1815 - French Revolution
1791-1792 - Constitutional state in Poland-Lithuania
1800 - British Act of Union
1804 - Crowning of Napoleon as Emperor of France
1810-1811 - Height of Napoleon's empire
1815 - Defeat of Napoleon at Battle of Waterloo; Congress of Vienna
1821-1830 - Greek war of Independence
1830-1831 - Wave of revolutions across Europe
1831 - Formation of Young Italy movement by Mazzini
1845-1846 - Irish potato famine
1848 - Wave of revolts across Europe; The communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels
1851 - Great Exhibition in London
1859-1870 - Unification of Italy
1862-1871 - Unification of Germany
1870s-1914 - Second Industrial Revolution

The Americas

1770s-1840s - Age of Revolution
1773 - Boston Tea Party
1776 - American Declaration of Independence
1776-1783 - American Revolution
1783 - British recognition of U.S. independence
1787 - U.S. constitutional convention; Northwest Ordinance for forming new states
1791-1894 - Haitian Revolution
1808 - Move of Portuguese royal family to Brazil
1810-1811 - First Mexican revolution
1810-1826 - Spanish-American wars of independence
1816 - Argentina independence
1821 - Founding of Gran Colombian republic by Bolivar
1822 - Mexican independence; Dom Pedro emperor of Brazil
1830 - Independence of Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador
1839 - Division of Central American states

United States

1787 - U.S. constitution
1803 - Louisiana Purchase
1812-1814 - U.S. - British War of 1812
1823 - Monroe Doctrine
1825 - Completion of Erie Canal
1846-1848 - U.S. - Mexican war
1848 - U.S. acquisition of Texas, California, and New Mexico
1849 - California gold rush
1861-1865 - Civil War
1862 - Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation
1867 - U.S. purchase of Alaska from Russia
1869 - Completion of transcontinental railroad
1898 - U.S. incorporation of Hawai
1898-1902 - Spanish-American War
1902 - U.S. colonisation of Philippines
1903 - First powered flight by Wright Brothers

Latin America

1823-1889 Abolition of slavery
1842 - End of trans-Atlantic slave trade by most nations
1861-1872 - Benito Juarez president of Mexico
1862-1867 - French Occupation of Mexic
1876-1911 - Diaz dictatorship in Mexico
1879-1884 - War between Chile and Peru-Bolivia
1886 - Abolition of slavery in Cuba
1889 - Brazilian Republic
1889 - Abolition of slavery in Brazi
1895-1898 - Cuban revolt against Spai
1898-1902 - Spanish-American War
1901 - Platt Amendment to Cuban constitution
1910-1920 - Medical Revolution
1912 - U.S. intervention in Nicaragua
1914 - Completion of Panama Canal

Canada and Oceania

1763 - British defeat of French forces in Canada
1774 - British recognition of French culture and laws in Quebec
1770s - Cook expeditions to Polynesia, New Zealand, and Australia
1788 - First British penal colony in Australia
1792 - First British settlers in New Zealand
1812-1814 - U.S. - British War of 1812
1840s-1900s - Western colonisation of Pacific islands
1850 - Treaty of Waitangi
1851 - Discovery of gold in Australia
1867 - Canadian Confederation
1885 - Canadian transcontinental railroad
1901 - Australian Commonwealth
1907 - New Zealand self-government

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