07.6 | The Contemporary World

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1945 - Formation of the United Nations
1946-1975 - Decolonization in Asia, Africa, and Caribbean
1946-1989 - Cold War
1947 - Formation of GATT
1947 - Invention of transistor
1955 - Bandung Conference
1958 - Invention of silicone microchips
1968 - Widespread political protests
1975 - End of Portuguese Empire
1995 - Formation of World Trade Organization
1997 - Kyoto Protocol on climate change
2001 - Al Qaeda attack on United States
2008-2009 - Global recession


1949 - Communist victory in China
1950-1953 - Korean War
1954 - Vietnamese defeat of French
1959-1975 - U.S. - Vietnam War
1979-1989 - Soviet War in Afghanistan
1989-1991 - Dismantling of Soviet Bloc and Soviet Union
1997 - Asian economic collapse
2003 - U.S. invasion of Iraq

The Americas

1959 - Communist victory in Cuba
1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis
2001 - Al Qaeda attack on United States


1945-1949 - Chinese Civil War
1949 - Chinese Communist triumph
1949-1957 - Stalinist model
1950 - Occupation of Tibet
1950 - New marriage law
1950-1953 - Korean War
1957-1961 - First use of Maoist model
1958-1961 - Great Leap Forward
1960 - Sino-Soviet split
1966-1976 - Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
1972 - Nixon's trip to Beijing
1976 - Death of Mao Zedong
1976 - Arrest of Gang of Four
1978-1997 - Deng Xiaoping era
1978 - Four modernization policy
1978 - Normalisation of U.S. - China diplomatic relations
1978-1989 - Market socialism
1989 - Tiananmen Massacre
1989 - Introduction of market Leninism
1997 - Return of Hong Kong to China


1946-1952 - SCAP occupation of Japan
1946 - First postwar Japanese elections
1951 - U.S. - Japan peace treaty
1960s-1989 - Rapid economic growth
1989 - Beginning of Japanese economic downturn
1993 - Fragmentation of Liberal Democratic Party
1997 - Asian financial collapse

Korea and Taiwan

1948-1994 - Kim Il-Sung's leadership of North Korea
1950-1953 - Korean War
1954 - U.S. - Taiwan mutual defence treaty
1980s - South Korean democratisation movement
1989 First democratic elections in Taiwan
1989-1991 - Collapse of Soviet Bloc and Soviet Union
1997 - Asian financial collapse
1998 - Beginning of South Korean "sunshine policy"


Western Europe
1946-1989 - Cold War
1946-1949 - Greek civil war
1947-1969 - De Gaulle era in France
1948 - Hague Congress on European unity
1948-1949 - Berlin crisis
1948-1952 - Marshall Plan
1949 - Formation of NATO
1957 - European Common Market
1969 - West German Ostpolitik policy
1990 - Reunification of Germany
1991 - Maastricht Treaty
2008-2009 - World economic crisis

Eastern Europ
1945-1948 - Formation of communist governments
1948 - Yugoslavia split from Soviet bloc
1956 - Uprising in Hungary
1961 - Building of Berlin Wall
1968 - Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia
1980 - Formation of Solidarity Trade Union in Poland
1989 - Collapse of communist governments
1991-2000 - Crises in Yugoslavia
2004 - Expansion of European Union into Eastern Europe


1953 - Death of Stalin
1955 - Formation of Warsaw Pact
1956 - Khrushchev de-Stalinization policy
1957 - Launch of Sputnik
1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis
1960 - Sino-Soviet split
1979-1989 - Soviet war in Afghanistan
1985 - Gorbachev new Soviet leader
1991 - Breakup of Soviet Union
1991-2000 - Yeltsin era in Russia

North America

1946-1989 - Cold War
1947 - Formation of CIA and National Security Council
1950-1953 - Korean War
1954 - U.S. Supreme Court invalidation of school segregation
1955 - Sparking of Montgomery bus boycott by Rosa Parks
1960-1975 - U.S. secret war in Laos
1963 - Assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy
1963-1975 - U.S war in Vietnam
1968 - Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
1969 - Woodstock Rock Festival
1991 - Gulf War
1994 - Formation of NAFTA
2001 - Al Qaeda terrorist attacks against United States
2003-2011 - U.S. war in Iraq

Pacific Basin

1962-1900 - Decolonization of Pacific islands
1973 - End of "white Australia" policy
1988 - Canadian Multiculturalism Act
1999 - Formation of Nunavut in northern Canada

Latin America and the Caribbean

1946-1955 - Government of Juan Peroni in Argentina
1954 - CIA overthrow of Guatemalan government
1959 - Cuban Revolution
1962 Cuban missile crisis
1964-1985 - Military government in Brazil
1973 - Overthrow of Chilean government
1973-1989 - Military government in Chile
1979-1989 - Sandinista government in Nicaragua
1983 - Restoration of Argentina's democracy
1990 - U.S. invasion of Panama
1994 - Formation of NAFTA
1998 - Economic collapse in many nations
2000 - Election of President Vicente Fox in Mexico
2002 - Election of President Lula da Silva in Brazil

The Middle East

1948 - Formation of Israel
1948-1949 - First Arab-Israeli war
1951 - Nationalist government in Iran
1953 - CIA overthrow of Iranian government
1954-1962 - Algerian Revolution
1954-1970 - Nasser's presidency in Egypt
1956 - Suez Crisis
1960 - Formation of OPEC
1967 - Arab-Israeli Six-Day War
1973 - Arab-Israeli (Yom Kippur) War
1973 - OPEC oil embargo
1978 - Egypt-Israel peace treaty
1979 - Islamic revolution in Iran
1979-1989 Soviet War in Afghanistan
1980-1988 - Iran-Iraq war
1987 - Beginning of Palestinian Intifada
1993 - Limited Palestinian self-government
1996-2001 - Taliban government in Afghanistan
2000 - Renewed Israeli-Palestinian conflict
2001 - U.S. invasion of Afghanistan
2003-2011 - United States war and occupation in Iraq
2011-2013 - Arab Spring

Sub-Saharan Africa

1948 - Apartheid in South Africa
1949 - First Mass-based political party in Gold Coast
1952-1960 - Mau Mau uprising in Kenya
1957 - Independence for Ghana
1957- 1975 - African decolonization
1961 - Assassination of Patrice Lumumba in Congo
1965-1980 - White government in Southern Rhodesia
1967-1970 - Nigerian civil war
1975 - Independence for Portuguese colonies
1991-1994 - Civil war in Somalia
1994 - Black majority rule in South Africa
1994 - Genocide in Rwanda
1997 - End of Mobutu era in Congo

South Asia

1947 - Independence for India and Pakistan
1948 - Assassination of Mohandas Gandhi
1948 - Sri Lankan independence
1948-1964 - Nehru era in India
1950 - Indian republic
1959 - Sri Lanka's Sirimavo Bandaranaike first female Prime Minister
1962 - India-China border war
1971 - Formation of Bangladesh
1975-1977 - State of emergency under Indira Gandhi
1984 - Assassination of Indira Gandhi
1988-1990 - First Benazir Bhutto government in Pakistan
1993-1996 - Second Benazir Bhutto government in Pakistan
1999-2006 - Military government led by Pervez Musharraf
2006 - Assassination of Benazir Bhutto

Southeast Asia

1945-1950 - Indonesian Revolution
1945 - Formation of Viet Minh government in Vietnam
1946-1954 - First Indochina war
1948 - Independence of Burma
1963-1975 - U.S. - Vietnamese War
1963 - Assassination of South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem
1964 - Formation of Malaysia
1964 - Gulf of Tonkin incident
1965 - Secession of Singapore from Malaysia
1965-1966 - Turmoil in Indonesia
1966-1998 - New Order in Indonesia
1968 - Tet Offensive in Vietnam
1970 - Overthrow of Prince Sihanouk in Cambodia
1975 - Communist victories in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos
1978 - Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia
1997 - Southeast Asian economic crisis
2008-2009 - World economic crisis

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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