Amber's Diary

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Two of them decided to meet Rachel and left Chris because someone must stay to manage work too. Krystal took the picture she had kept in a book,

They reached their destination after sometime and took a long breath before getting in Rachel's house.

Rachel! where are you I am back as I promised. Rachel came running out of her house excited. As she saw someone with Samantha her feet stopped. Samantha introduced Krystal "She is my mother you must have already known she is the God of World's balance". Hello ma'am please come in greeted Rachel. Krystal couldn't believe she was meeting her best friend's daughter. She was continuously smiling at Rachel. Rachel asked

Krystal to come inside. After Krystal went inside Samantha asked Rachel that she told her she is not going to treat Samantha different way and to this Rachel replied chuckling that those words only apply to her and went inside Samantha followed her. Where is Mr. Steve asked Krystal. You must have already known about my family he went to next town to pick up something he will come home late. I know more than anyone else replied Krystal. Rachel went to kitchen to bring some juice and snacks for Krystal and Samantha. Samantha followed her to kitchen. So are there any changes in your lifestyle recently after knowing the truth. Not much I have decided to live as a normal being with grandpa as long as he stays happy, I am happy too. No, you can't live normally yelled Samantha there is no way I tried everything to know the truth for you how can you decide to live normally your own think about your mother. (The moment Rachel heard the world mother her brain froze she couldn't understand why was she talking about her mother out of blue when she didn't even know who her mother is). What do you mean but that and why are talking about mom all of the sudden. Krystal came in running as she heard both the girls were arguing.

SAMANTHA stop shouted Krystal. She took Samantha out to living hall and asked her to stay quiet. When Rachel came out with snacks and juice Krystal got up and apologized her for her daughter's rude behaviour. She couldn't stop looking at Rachel as she was exactly like Amber. Rachel I am here for some important work I would like to talk to you can I have some of your time asked Krystal. Sure, ma'am if you want me, I am always free. Rachel, Samantha told me that you recently got to know about you and your family's true identity I can feel you accepted it and decided to continue your life. Yes ma'am. I am sorry Rachel but I will be scratching some of your old wounds right now. Rachel was surprised with Krystal's word. I am here to talk to you about your mother. Do you know who was she? Why is everyone talking about my mother from I got to know about reality in a displeasing tone. I am sorry but you said everyone who else did asked you about Amber. My grandpa but how do you know her name. Rachel I was your mother's best friend for more than decades even before she was married explained Krystal. So, you are Apricot jumped Rachel. I finally got to meet you. I feel so blessed. How do you know this name it was our secret code I was Apricot and you mom was Lilac exclaimed both of them. Yes, but how do you know this. There is no way someone else know about this. This was in my mother's diary replied Rachel. Diary? She used to have Diary? Apparently yes, few days back I went to our old place to distract myself after knowing the reality and found these diaries in some garage, I found her diary and started reading it and all I know about her is through that diary all my grandfather has told me is that she was very beautiful and I got my beauty from her and was really wise nothing else but I always wanted to know about my parent. What kind of person they were and after knowing thing like Mountain God my interest. Honestly you did get your beauty from her you are as beautiful as she was. My mom has written almost everything about you I guess you were really close to her and helped her in many ways. It says if you weren't her friend, she wouldn't have been able to find the true meaning of life and would have never admire this world. According to her diary she never liked being god's daughter that was the reason she started learning about metal and increased her interest in metal work. She was the best metal worker during that period and I haven't found anyone better than her yet added Krystal.

Samantha was sitting quietly and staring at mother because she hasn't seen her this happy ever.

Krystal asked Samantha for the 'Thunder of Peace' the last sword Amber made and gave it to Rachel in the swords rightful hand she told Rachel that Amber was beautiful, crazy, fragile, wonderful woman and was talked about Amber and her ambitions showing her the picture she bought. This is Amber. She told Rachel that the garage is actually Amber's metalwork place where she made Samantha's Bow, Rachel's sword and many more things and how she wanted Rachel to become

Mountain God. Rachel bought all Amber's diary I haven't read all of them you can take a look too.

Samantha took a diary and started reading meanwhile Krystal and Rachel were discussing on something.

Suddenly Samantha saw something which can serve as big hint to find the killer. (Amber doesn't used to write anything straight instead she used to write thing either by using their nickname like Apricot for Krystal or as party A/B which always seems like a riddle). Samantha read "this could be my assumption but I feel like I have seen who is behind everything somewhere but I can't remember where. I feel he holds grudges over me maybe because I got married to grapefruit." Who is grapefruit? Asked Samantha. I guess he is my father Terry answered Rachel. Mommy who could have been holding grudges over Mrs Amber. Think about it. What are you talking about asked Rachel. Krystal told everything about Amber's murder to Rachel and how she keeps taking blame of it and how she has promised Amber to protect Rachel and give her whatever she deserves. Krystal begged Rachel to help her find the murderer and get justice for her mother. Rachel didn't like the idea she doesn't want to get in these I want a normal life I don't want the past to affect me also this is what grandpa wants. He is only one for me for now said Rachel.

If you quit right now, they will be right. You are the deserving person for everything Amber dreamed of.

Even she didn't like being a God's Daughter but when she found these things, she knew exactly what she wanted to do to make this world a better place look at this she even wrote it in her diaries. The murderer might be roaming in streets worriless. He will not fear for committing his next crime. We have to find him and make him pay for everything he has done so far. We can't always keep complaining about thing but have to take step to stop them. The pain you will feel today will become your strength tomorrow. I understand you are emotionally attached to this matter at last she was your mom but we have to get her and your family justice. Your family is the best candidate for mountain god's power. You can't run away from it forever there will be a day you will get tired and had to face the reality. The world is cruel for those who can't scream when bitten. Krystal really wanted Rachel to join hand because that's the only way to make her feel less guilty for whatever happened to Amber. 

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