Chapter 1

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Packing up and leaving this apartment in rainy Seattle is a dream come true. Ever sense I moved in here all I have gotten was cold water, loud and lousy neighbors and a horrible squeaky floor. But I can finally leave now... I have a flight to catch!

10 hours to go and I will be back in the country I was born in. The last five months I have religiously been studying and cramming Japanese. I guess it could be said that I'm actually fluent. Sure I remember my mom speaking some Japanese to me but that was 14 years ago.

The only other exciting thing that happened in the 5 months was my birthday. I am now 18 which makes me a "legal adult." That doesn't really affect me considering I got emancipated when I was 15. I guess I have time on this 10 hour flight to explain my past.

It all started 18 years ago on July 15th, AKA the date of my birth. My mom was a quite, young woman while my dad was a loud man who was 10 years older than my mom. She thought they were in love and all he wanted was sex. I was a complete accident. He left when I was two. He thought he could deal with having a child but he wasn't father material.

The night of my second birthday, he left right before my party. My mom had an amazing party planed out but he ruined it. He ruined everything.

My mom was depressed and lonely. So, we packed up what little we had, and moved to England. We rented a small apartment and we were actually happy. We didn't have my father forcing us to be his slaves. Sure we didn't have much money, but we made it work.

Then, one night a few days after my fourth birthday, the accident happened. My mother was walking me home from our special day at the park when she was ripped into a dark alley and not only mugged of all of her money, but beaten and raped and eventually killed. I didn't know what to do because I was only four so I watched everything. When her murderer left, I ran to her crying and telling her to wake up. When she didn't I ran. I ran for my life.

I eventually found a bridge and sat down. I didn't fully understand that I was now alone.

I sat there and cried for what could have been hours, until an older looking man with a kind smile and a lolly in his hand sat next to me.

"Hello," he said with a kind smile and a small laugh, "I'm Wammy. I have an orphanage a few miles down the road and from the looks of it, you are all alone. What is your name, my dear child?"

I saw no reason to be scared of him. He seemed nice, and that lolly in his hand really sparked my interest.

"Kyra." I said with a smile.

"Well Kyra, nice to meet you. Come with me, I will help you."

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