My boys - Chapter 7

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"Where have you been Shayla!?" She barked through clenched teeth

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"Where have you been Shayla!?" She barked through clenched teeth.

"With us where else would she have been?" Jake answered for her.

"Shut up I wasn't talking to you I was talking to my daughter!" She hollered.

"Pft whatever" Jake hissed and she shot him a look.

"They took me on an adventure today that's all." Shay replied.

"You think you are so grown huh? Not coming home for hours and not telling me!" With every word she got closer but I stepped in front of Shayla protectively.

"Your boyfriends can't protect you forever!" She scoffed and walked away, disappearing into her room.

I looked at Shay to see her eyes gloss over and she was about to walk away when I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into my chest.

She started sobbing uncontrollably. I hated to see her like this.

"Go run her a bath please." I told Sam and he headed to the bathroom without a word.

I just played with her hair until she calmed down.

"I'm sorry." Was the first thing she said.

"For what darlin' there's nothing to be sorry for." I retorted.

"I'm sorry for soaking your shirt, my mom acting this way and for being a baby about it." She explained.

"Hey hey hey don't apologize for her, my shirt will dry, you aren't a baby you are allowed to be upset over things that are important to you and your bath is getting cold sweetheart." I blurted.

"Oh yeah I forgot about it. Thanks you guys for always being there for me." She said and left.

"Why didn't we know it was this bad?" I asked once she was out of ear shot.

"Cause she always puts up a front." Sam replied quickly.

"We got her home at 8 that's outrageous how she reacted!" Jake added.

"We have to get her out of here. This is stupid." I stated feeling determined.

"Yeah she has one more year of highschool though." Sam replied.

"Dude I feel like shit." Jake mumbled into his hands.

"Why?" Sam questioned.

"I alway knew she had this persona where she acted like she was alright and I never really." He ended with a sigh.

"Never really what?" I persued.

"I knew something was up and I knew it had something to do with her shitty parents but I never got her out of here and I dont think I should yet." Jake confessed in one breath.

I patted his back in attempt to comfort him. This situation just sucks ass.

"I think she should stay here for her last school year and come with us for the summer." I suggested.

"Yeah that sounds like a plan." Jake agreed.

"And we can visit for a few days once a month. You know to give her alittle hope." Sam added.

"Alright I can go ahead and look for some tickets for after summer and one for this summer." Jake said.

"Alright I gotta go take a piss." I said and got up to head to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Uh Shay I have to pee." I stated waiting for a response.

"Just a minute." She replied.

Eventually she opened the door and I was met with a pair dull brown eyes unlike usual. They were cloudy and quite puffy. She was only wrapped in a towel but I couldn't resist hugging her. You know how you want to take someone under your wing and protect them from the world. Shayla would be under my wing. Sam would be under the other. Two sweet people that the world can't take from me no matter what. She hugged me back tight and gripped on to my shirt. And just for a moment she was under my wing but she let go after a few seconds. Then I remembered I still had to piss.

Short time skip~

We were all chilling in Shayla's room telling her our plan and she was really excited at first. Then she felt guilty because of how much money we would spend.

Another short time skip~

After talking about nonsense for about an hour we decided to let Shay sleep because she had school. She hugged us each individually before laying down. I kissed her on the head as she hugged me. When we left her room I decided to hit the hay too. Sam joined me on the air mattress and he fell asleep instantly. I decided to cuddle with him because why not? We were going to wake up cuddling anyway. With that thought I fell asleep.

Sorry it's a short chapter I just wanted to update just because I seen someone voted so shout out to you sweetheart love you all stay safe 🫶🏽

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