Pain of the Unknown

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Have you ever been in a situation where, every time you try to control an outcome in your life, it doesn't seem to work out the way that you planned?  No matter how positive it seems to be in your mind and intention? 

Have you ever felt like the moral and social construct that you were given and forced into, may not necessarily be in alignment, or answer your innermost questions about who or what you are?

Have you ever felt like you are from another galaxy or dimension? Or felt like you and the people around you are not the same?

Do you find yourcellf feeling alone, even when you are surrounded by "friends" and or "family"? Or feel to yourcellf, like nobody really understands you, so in an attempt to "fit in", you have to basically act or go against how you feel inside, in order to make others outside of you feel comfortable?

If you said, "yes", or can relate to one or more of these situations,  you may be a SpirituAlkhemist.

Let's start by dissecting the whole process of being born for a second. 

Let's say that a girl at a university develops a crush on the guy across the room. And they begin to go out together. And a few months later, they become very intimate and the procreation process takes place.

Let us take a minute to slow down the conception process a little bit.

There are millions of sperms that is competing to be accepted by the egg. And only one out of those millions will get the prize of being able to grow into a fully developed body, with the capacity to complete a specific mission that only that life can complete. So even before the baby is born, the chosen seed is fighting to take its rightful place in the world inside the uterus.

Now after that first series of battles, the baby is conceived.  Then it goes through three trimesters where every step of the way, there are different risks involved to prevent the fetus from developing into the baby. (Miscarriages, strangulation, lack of adequate nutrition and more)

Fast forward to the baby being born and taking its first breath in a whole new realm of existence.  Remember that the baby was developing inside of the womb, inside of an egg, surrounded by a special protective fluid for nine months. And from that atmosphere, it takes its first breath on Earth which is a totally different atmosphere from what it is used to.

Now, there are a number of things to keep in mind at the same time, concerning the baby. It was connected to the mother via an umbilical cord. The baby not only was being fed and nurtured physically to aid in its physical development, it was also being programmed with genetic codes from the mother and father, and also inheriting certain impressions and expressions that was being experienced emotionally by the mother. (In a nutshell, inheriting certain gifts that are beneficial, as well as certain trauma that may not be so beneficial.) And it was also downloading its own unique hybrid personality traits as a result of the merging of the mother's genes and the father's genes.

Now the baby is born and is healthy and starting its own journey. It is completely helpless at first, and relies on being nurtured and fed by the guardians. Simultaneously, it is trying to comprehend its surroundings and figure out its own survival.

As the baby grows, it receives more external programming like, a name, nationality, religion or belief system, moral or immoral standards and much more. Which molds the inner world of the child.
(An important thing to remember about this, is that the child has absolutely no say in any of the external programming. This is imposed upon the child. )

In the early years, the child learns what is supposed to be good, bad, acceptable, unacceptable... etc 

The child begins to build an idea of what it is supposed to be according to the guardian/ parents. This is the first layer of illusions and false identity that the child begins to adopt as it's own.

As the child grows and develops its faculties, something happens within the child at the same time. Remember, there is a mentality that is being constructed here too. And even more importantly, is the fact that even though the child has 1/3 of the mom's genetic codes, and 1/3 of the dad's genetic codes, it also has 1/3 of its own. And when these are merged, it is the child that is tasked with the responsibility of making sense of all of this! (Unless they are super lucky to have parents or guardians that is knowledgeable enough and been through the same experiences, to help the child understand what they are experiencing within)

So the child is now having dreams that they don't understand. Some of them are Astral projecting and traveling to different dimensions. Some are communicating with beings from different realms, experiencing very high levels of clairvoyance, claireaudience, claireknowing, psychometry, razor sharp intuition and many more spiritual gifts that they can't comprehend. And because it may not be considered "normal" due to the external influences, the child once again has to add on another false identity.  The identity that suppresses these inner realities in order to fit into the social norms imposed by the parents, guardians, their peers that most likely isn't experiencing the same thing, and soon, society.

This can become a heavy weight for the gifted child to carry at a very young age. It starts an internal power struggle. It is a lot of pressure for the child and can create an inward spiral of self doubt, confusion, questions about self value,  self worth and so many other questions that a young child should not really have to be answering at that age.

However, for a SpirituAlkhemist, those are exactly the questions and experiences that the gifted child should have guided answers to!

Those discussions should be had with that child from someone that understands them. Someone that has walked the walk before and been where they are. NO ONE ELSE IS QUALIFIED BESIDES ONE THAT KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE EXPERIENCING!!!

This is extremely important because someone that has never had those experiences, may be projecting prejudices unaware to themselves.  And the child will pick up on those energies. That is DANGEROUS when dealing with a child that is going through the unknown journey with-IN. That prejudice and lack of understanding will cause anger and rage in the child. It will force them to isolate themcellves from any and everyone that doesn't have answers. And for a gifted child, that is the beginning of the suffering pain of the Unknown.

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