Chapter 1

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A.N: the guy at the top picture is Felix and I am pretty sure you will know who Caspar is if you keep up with Joe's vlogs and if you don't he is Joe's roommate but to make sure if you all know Felix is just a character my friend Mikaela and I made up. Also, Arabella is a fake character. Just thought you needed to know. :)
*** Joe's P.O.V ***

RING, RING, RING! Went my alarm clock waking me up from my slumber. Today was the day I am meeting my best friend, Felix's new girlfriend. I have heard a lot about her in the past month so she better be worth it.


As slow as I can, I get up out of bed, take a shower, brush my teeth, and pick an outfit for myself out of my wardrobe. I pick out a white tee shirt and some black skinny jeans. Then, I slip into my brand new black converse and tie them up. I head upstairs finding Felix standing by the door. When I reach the bottom he says, "C'mon Blondie, we gotta gooo!!!!"

Caspar was in South Africa visiting his family with his girlfriend, Gaby so he wasn't here to meet her. He wouldn't of been interested anyway.

"Okay Bossy," I say in reply to what he said.

As we drove, I broke the silence by saying, "If I have to wake up at fricking 7 A.M in the morning, this girl better be hot."

"Please, she's more than hot, I would die for her. Plus, all my girlfriends have been hot. At least to me, but all I know is that this time she's definitely worth it," Felix replies.

"ALL of your girlfriends? Dude, all your girlfriends have all been crappy. Remember that girl who was allergic to like almost everything?"

"Okay. Okay. I get it, not all of my girlfriends have been girlfriend material but his one is definitely the one. By the way, she wasn't allergic to everything. She was allergic to milk,grass,latex,and something else."

"Exactly! Grass is all around us, almost everything has milk ."

"Okay. Can we just stop talking about my love life? Also, in my defense, even thought my previous girlfriends haven't been exactly you know, at least I've actually dated. Unlike someone."

I roll my eyes at Felix. Just then we pull up to Starbucks. We get out of the car and enter thought the door. When we got in Felix started looking all around for his new girlfriend. Then I asked him, "So. Where's your new girlfriend?"

Felix them replied with, "She should be here. I told her to meet us here at -- WAIT! THERE SHE IS!!!"

I walk behind him with a "Why do I have to be here" face. Just then, as Felix stopped, I noticed we stopped in front of Arabella. I then started hoping that she wasn't Felix's new girlfriend in my head.

Please don't be Felix's new girlfriend. Please don't be Felix's new girlfriend. Please don't be Felix's new-

"Joe, I'd like you to meet my new girlfriend."


In my head I was screaming, but I managed to look like I didn't care.

I then said, "Oh! Hey Arabella! So, you're Felix's new girlfriend? Since when were you guys a thing?"

"Oh. Well, 3 weeks ago, Felix actually asked me out for a lunch date and we hit it off," Arabella said with a beautiful smile. Maybe one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen.

I can't believe that is his girlfriend. He really did make a pretty good choice in looks than usual. She has long brunette hair, grayish blue eyes, and is really natural in makeup unlike his other hook ups with fake Barbie dolls.

" Um, uh, yeah. Nice to meet you Arabella." I said taking out my hand for her to shake it.

" Nice to meet you too!" She greeted again with a smile.

"I'm sorry but can I talk to Felix private for a second? Thank you!"

"How is she so hot!?!" I whisper yelled to Felix in the Men's bathroom.

" I told you she was worth it."

I hope you guys liked our first chapter into this fan fiction! Also, please remember that it is our first fanfic and I know it is going to be pretty suckish right now but I promise we will put a lot of effort into this fan fiction. Thanks for reading and we will update soon!
But make sure to vote and follow! :)

-Anna & Mikaela ❤️

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