Chapter 2

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A.N: Wow you made it to the second chapter. What a surprise. And I'm not being sarcastic. But whatever thanks for reading and let's begin with the story! :)) <--- double chin xD sorry***

*** Joe's p.o.v***
We sat back down to the table where Arabella was sitting at. I still couldn't believe he got a girl that looked like a 10.

"Oh, hey there you are!" She said looking up from her phone on Some sort of website I have never seen before. I saw the title and I think it was called 'YouTube'.

"Sorry Ara, he just had a question about how I got such a ho-" he said right when I elbowed him in the shoulder.

" OW! What was that for?!?" He yelped.
" don't tell her what I asked it's embarrassing." I whispered back.

I couldn't wait to know more about this girl.

*** 1 hour later***

" Bye Ara, love you." Felix said while he leaned in to kiss Arabella.

"Get a room." I said back to them having a make out session right in the middle of the parking lot.

They then pulled away from each other and chuckled. One last time, Felix said bye to Arabella and kissed her on the cheek. Once Arabella was walking to her car, Felix suddenly yelled, "C'mon Jealous, let's go!"

"Okay Okay," I yelled with a grin on my face.

While Felix was driving I asked him, "Bro, seriously, how did you get a girl like that? She is sweet, beautiful, and loyal. And you are just a 3, no not even a 3 a 1.

"I'm a 1? At least I've kissed a girl and gone out with a girl," he said annoyingly.

"Jerk," I said, rolling my eyes.

" At least I'm waiting for 'the one' to come for me and not rushing into all sorts of relationships." I chuckled while he rolled his eyes.

Once we got back home, I went straight to the fridge, grabbed some Ben & Jerry's and some strawberries. I went upstairs to my room and took my laptop. I didn't know what to do because I was bored but then I decided to watch my favorite movie, with a new my women crush "Monday" in it. Ted. I was going to watch Ted. I put in the disk into my laptop and watched.

~~~ Middle of the movie ~~~
I was halfway through the movie. I was at the part where Mark Whalberg and Ted, his best friend since kindergarten, I think, were "breaking up." The guy was ending his friendship with Ted so that he can continue his relationship with his girlfriend (played by Mila Kunis 😏😏😏). Then, I started thinking if that would ever happen to me and Felix. Would he end our friendship to be with Ara if things got complicated? I thought about that question for a while. The movie was almost done. At first I thought he wouldn't end our friendship for just a girl, but I saw how Felix really liked Arabella so I started getting confused. If this was to happen, would he end our friendship, or end his relationship with Arabella? When the movie was done, I started asking myself why I even took the time to think about it. But I was still curious.
Okay so credits to Mikaela for writing pretty much almost the whole chapter today. While I was sitting on my butt watching tv and looking through my Instagram. Hope you liked this chapter and if you did vote and comment! Also, follow us please! Thank you! :)

- Anna & Mikaela

(Btw I did change the cover of the this fan fic. #sorrynotsorrrycuzimasuperstar) -Mikaela

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