Chapter 4

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Felix's p.o.v

Today was a Sunday and I was taking Arabella out to a cute date. But she didn't know I was taking her out. I quickly got outside of bed grabbed a grey v-neck,black skinny-jeans,my black pair of high tops,a black beanie, and finally my iPhone. Don't even ask about my outfit today and my choice of color for my outfit. Then I hurried down the stairs, being excited about taking Arabella to a very important and special date. I didn't even mind telling Joe that I was heading out nor did I say goodbye or even left a note. Thinking about that I just yelled, "JOE! I'M HEADING OUT FOR A WHILE! SEE YAAAA!"

I went outside, hopped into my red Audi R8. It was currently 10:30 in the morning. That was hopefully enough time to set up our date.

First what I had to do was find some stuff for the date. Like decorations and obviously food. Duh. I was contemplating on which store to go to but I finally decided to go to Walmart then target. I first went to Walmart. I grabbed Ara's favorite chips, spicy sweet chili Doritos, some popcorn,Ara and I's favorite soda, Dr.Pepper, and finally some spoons,forks, and napkins, and also plates of course. By the time I grabbed everything, it was already 12:45. It took so long because Walmart was so crowded. I mean it's crowded almost every time but it's even more crowded then usual. By the time I finally got to check out and pay for the stuff, it was already 1:30. It took that long. Then I decided to grab some pizza for out date. Arabella loved Papa John's cheese pizza, so I decided to get an extra large one. I even payed the guy extra to try and make it a heart shaped pizza. He said that would take long since they didn't have an extra large heart shaped cutter. He said it would take 40-50 minutes since he had to shape the pizza himself and since the pizza was an extra large. Another reason was because the guy had never made a pizza like that for a customer so he had to try and make the heart near perfection.

~~~After 50 minutes~~~
After 50 minutes of waiting, it was finally done. It was now 2:20 P.M. He had about 6 hours until he took Ara to the spot of their date. When I got the pizza, I hurried back to his car and sat it on the passenger seat. I decided to go to target next to get decorations and stuff for our date. When I got to target he grabbed some lights,a picnic blanket,a huge bowl to put the popcorn in, a bunch of throw pillows, two big sitting pillow that had a back on it, a bunch if wicker baskets, the movie, "Grease," a wheel of clear wire, some clear tape, and a screen projector thingy (you know those thing that some teachers use, by the way I know there aren't any projectors at target but it's a fan fiction so you can't judge) By the time I finished getting the things and paying for them it was already 2:50. I still had a couple of hours.
I then drove off to a park which was Ara and I's favorite park, that's where our date was going to be. When I reached the park, I took out everything that I had gotten. But first I chose a spot to have our date. I found a great spot near a tree. I decided to have our picnic there since I could hang the lights up on the tree. Then I laid out the picnic blanket on the green grass, I set the comfy sitting pillows on the picnic blanket, I hung the wicker baskets up on the wires that were tied up to the tree,then I hung up the lights using tape, then I scattered all of the throw pillows around the picnic blanket, and then finally I set up the projector. By the time I finished it was already 7:50. "Perfect," I said with a smile on my face. It might see, that it didn't take forever bit it did. Especially when I was hanging the wicker baskets up and the lights because I had forgotten to bring a ladder so I had find a way to get up high enough to hang the decorations properly around us. However, after a lot of hard work, I was finally finished with the perfect date, now I just needed to get the perfect girl.


I drove off from the park. However, before I left, I set out the food and and stuff and put it all in a basket.

Then I finally arrived at Ara's house. She wasn't expecting me. I approached her house and rang the doorbell. Then the door slowly opened. There I saw Arabella looking down at her phone with a cute messy bun, a baggy long black t-shirt, and white short shorts.

She looked up from her phone and then said, "Oh hey Felix!" with a smile on her face.

"Hey babe," I said.

"Not that I don't want you here but what are you doing here?" She said with a smile on her face and a chuckle at the end.

"Come with me," I said with a grin/smirk on my face.

"Felix! Wait, I need to get changed," she replied back with a smile at the end and a giggle.

"It's fine. We'll be alone anyways. I promise, no body else will see you except me."

"Fine. But if you lie, I swear to god Felix Adamson--"

I then picked her up and walked her and myself to my car. Then I stopped at the side of the passenger's seat and set her down.

"What was that for?" She said with a giggle.

"Just come with me." I said.

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