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After getting changed, the boys were headed off to Nialls room since his was furthest away.

Knock knock

No answer.

Knock knock

"Maybe he's asleep?"


"What do you want?" And angry Niall spoke after swinging the door open. His eyes landed on Harry and Louis who were smiling sheepishly at him. The Irish lad rolled his eyes and moved over to the others to walk in. "What do you want?"

"We came to get you. We're gonna go get Liam next and head off to Zayns room. Get dressed." Louis answered while throwing a pair of jeans at him.

"Not to be rude, but two closet cases woke me up with their public experimenting at half 1 in the morning last night so I think I deserve some more sleep before they come barging into my fucking room." Niall collapsed on the bed in desperate need for sleep. Well, Yeah okay. He did have a point there. But that's what they needed to talk to him and the boys about. Wait, did he say closet cases?

"I'll have you know. 1. We are not 'closet cases'. 2. We didn't wake you up, someone else did. And 3. We need to talk to you boys." Louis said, quietening down saying the last bit. Niall poked his head up from where it was buried into the sheets, a confused look plastered on his face.

"Talk to us? About what?"


"I think it's best if we told you together. Easier that way, you know." Harry interrupted, looking only at Louis while talking, he didn't look back towards Niall until he had finished. Louis nodded at Harry, turning to look at Niall also.

"Okayyyyy..." He gave them a knowing look before throwing his jeans on and a shirt from his closet and leaving with the two boys.

Liam and Zayns rooms were next to each other whereas the rest of the boys were scattered around the same floor. Finally, they got to Liams door.

"You guys get him, Imma go lie down in Zayns room and pray you guys will take long enough for me to sleep." Niall said walking to the next door over and knocking at the same time as Louis, but only one door opened.

"Nialler? What do you want?" Liam asked, whispering, causing Louis and Harry look curiously towards him and then at each other.

"Well, we were looking for you and Zayn, looks like we killed two birds with one stone. Lou, Haz, hurry up I need to sleep." Niall said pushing past Liam despite his protests. He stopped in his tracks at the sight of a half naked Zayn lying in bed, still asleep. "Okay. What the fuck if going on here? You two too?" Niall spoke a little too loudly making Liam hush him before looking at him questioningly.

"What do you mean us too? You two?" He asked somewhat surprised, pointing to Harry and Louis.

"You two?" Harry and Louis both asked simultaneously, pointing at Liam and Zayn, who was still sleeping despite all the ruckus.

"I don't know. Nothing really happened, just..." He trailed off scratching the back of his neck in the process.

"Just what Liam? Because I don't want to be the fifth wheel." Niall added, sounding annoyed.

"Fifth wheel? Wait so are you two..." He trailed off again.

"They haven't said anything but they came to my room today 'needing to tell us something' together and there rooms are the furthest apart so I'm guessing." Niall replied honestly. "About freaking time to be honest." He added after a moment. Louis and Harry shot their heads up in surprise causing both Liam and Niall to laugh. Zayn spun around in the bed and opened his eyes.

"I'm trying to fucking sleep over here." He said sternly, only creating more laughter. Liam walked around the bed and kissed his forehead.

"Alright, you get some sleep. Guys let's go to my room." Everyone else was in shock as Liam picked up the spare room key and walked out Zayns room, into his own, leaving the boys to follow after. Niall enters last, closing the boor behind him.

"Okay. What the fuck?" He said sternly looking at all the boys in the room. "I need an explanation right now so one of you better talk."

"Nialler calm down it's not a big deal-"

"NOT A BIG DEAL?! MY BEST FRIENDS HAVE BEEN KEEPING SECRETS FROM ME AND IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL?!" He screaming, all three boys shushing him after.

"It's not like that Niall. It just sorta happened, last night. We weren't gonna wake you up at 3 am to tell you we got together are we?" Louis said trying to reason with him.

"Got together? As in you two are together?" Liam spoke up, standing from the bed to look directly at Louis and Harry.

"Not exactly-"

"We're not putting labels on anything yet."Harry turned to Louis for reassurance after interrupting him, Louis gave him a slight nod allowing him to continue. "We're just gonna go with whatever feels right. If it eventually leads to something more, it will, but right now it's nothing really... serious." Louis nodded along, only looking away from Harry when he stopped talking.

"Okay." Niall breathed. "And you? What's up with you and Zayn?" Niall questioned, turning to Liam.

"Nothing really serious either, we just... hook up every now and then." He shrugged it off like it was nothing.

"How often is 'every not and then'? When did it start?" It was starting to sound like an interrogation but it didn't matter, everyone was curious.

"It started a couple of weeks ago and not that often. Nothing even happened last night, we just... cuddled." Liam admitted, turning bright red.

"Wow. So all you guys are getting some and I'm not. Fuck sake." Niall replied, rolling his eyes and huffing. The other boys laughed and looked at each other.

"So you two finally got together?" Liam asked looking at Louis and Harry with all seriousness.

"Finally? How did everyone know it was going to happen but me?" Louis replied with a question, looking around at the boys.

"Lou you weren't the most subtle..." Harry trailed off getting a slap in reply from Louis.

"We should probably go and tell Zayn. He's bound to wake up any minute now and I wanna be there when he does, and he's gonna wanna know about you guys. Lets go." Liam led all the boys out of the room and into Zayns, finding a very awake Zayn.

"Oh. Hey guys...?" He said in his morning voice.

"Hey Zaynie." Liam said walking over to him and placing a kiss on his lips, when he pulled away Zayn was bright red and very confused. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis waist and lent his head on his shoulder as Zayn turned to them and back to Liam.

"Did you just-?"

"It okay Zayn. We know." Harry said, placing a kiss onto Louis' cheek.

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