✩How you guys met✩

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Italics = you
Bold =them


✩He was looking around for a partner but everyone already had a partner except you so you decided to walk over to him and ask him if he needed a partner, "hey im y/n do you need a partner?!" "M-me?!" "Yea do you need one?" "I-Im finney a-and y-yes I m-mean n-no wait yes or n-no?" he took a deep breath and calmed down, "Yes i need a partner" "ok!" he was nervous at first but then said he needed one so you sat down and after that you guys were best friends from that day on✩

✩You woke up early that day and decided to sit outside on the porch and you were just enjoying the breeze listening to music, but then you felt a tap on your shoulder you took off your headphones and looked up too see a brown haired boy with a newspaper in his hands "I didn't wanna scare you but here is your newspaper miss" "Thanks paperboy im y/n!"
"I'm billy, billy showalter" "nice! Wanna be friends?" "Sure!" "Ok well bye!" "Bye see you tomorrow y/n!" Then you guys did that everyday!✩


✩You and her were looking for the same thing there was one left so you both tried to grab it "Oh, im sorry fid you need this"
"you can have it i dont need it that bad!" "Are you sure i think i can find something better than this and you can take this!"   
"Maybe we can look together" you say smiling at her "Of course uhmmm" "oh im y/n!" "Im donna!" "Nice to meet  you  donna" "Nice to meet you too!" After looking for something else you guys share your numbers with each other and became best friends!✩

✩Griffin Stagg✩

☆You were at the library and a dirty blond haired boy came up to you, "H-hi!" "Hello!" "W-well I uhm s-saw you grabbed my favorite book and I-I w-was wondering if i c-could maybe r-read with y-you?" he says stuttering and nervous, "Of course! By the way my name is y/n!" he sits down next to you "I-Im G-Griffin!" "Cool name griffin, I can go to the first page for you!"
"T-that would be n-nice t-thanks!" " No prob, would you like to be friends?!" "R-Really?!" He says looking at you shocked and happy at the same time "Of course why not! You seem nice and fun to talk to!" "Y-yes i would l-love t-to be your f-friend!" "Ok ill give you my number after we read this book!"  he smiles "Ok!" after that you guys were bffs!✩

✩Vance hopper✩

✩You were sitting in the back of the class because if your anxiety and a Blond haired boy came in late and plopped next to you "I dont mean this in a rude way but why are you sitting here?" he turns to you and gives you a death stare "I sit where I fucking want" "I was just asking jeez!" "Are you smart" "why?" "Answer my damn question!" "yea why." he ignores you, the teacher gave a graded assignment to everyone and the blond boy thew somthing at you "That was rude whats your name?" "idc and its Vance nerd!" "Ok meanie! Im y/n" "whatever im sitting next to you everyday now" "whhatever" you finish your work, after that you and vance became best friends slowly✩

" he ignores you, the teacher gave a graded assignment to everyone and the blond boy thew somthing at you "That was rude whats your name?" "idc and its Vance nerd!" "Ok meanie! Im y/n" "whatever im sitting next to you everyday now" "whhatever"  yo...

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✩Robin Arellano✩

✩You and robin were both fighters so you guys ended up in the nurse's office together for different reasons Robin's knuckles were bleeding badly from beating moose up, and you got beat up in the girls bathroom you were observing his features, "You've been staring at me since i got here do you have a fucking problem?!"n-no I'm sorry I didn't realize I was staring!" "O-Oh sorry i didn't mean to yell at you!" "Its ok i g-guess im y/n!" "Im robin!" "I know ive seen you around" "oh ok" "wanna be friends?" "sure!" "ok!" after that day you guys were really good friends✩

✩Bruce Yamada✩

✩You and him met at a baseball game you were cheering for your brother finney but a handsome boy caught your eye your sister gwen checked on  you because you weren't paying attention and stopped cheering, after the game you were talking to finney until you felt a tap on your shoulder, you turn around to see the boy "Hey im bruce i saw you sitting on the bleachers" he says smiling and pointing to whhere you were sitting " oh im y/n" you say smiling back "Well i was wondering if you wanted to be friends?" "Sure!" "Ok well i have to go bye!" "bye!" before he ran off hhe slipped a little piece of paper with his number on it  and his name on the  back, you got teased by gwen and finney on the way home but you thought it was worth it✩

A/n:  Slay  bestie babes i finished the first part in 2 hours :)) yay!

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