The Best Father's Day Gift

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Harry unknowingly gives James the best Father's Day gift possible — mom!reader

Warnings: none :)

Words: 0.6k

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For the family's first Father's Day since Harry was born, you wanted to make everything special for James just like he'd done for you a month ago on Mother's Day.

You woke up early and brought your son with you so James wouldn't be woken up if Harry started crying. Maybe it was the smell of you making breakfast or maybe your giddy energy was just contagious, but Harry was so adorably happy that morning that within a few minutes of waking him up and feeding him breakfast, you weren't even worried about him crying anymore.

Right as you finished preparing the plate, you fed Harry some diced tomatoes that were left over, which he happily ate up. You wiped some drool off his chin, then picked him up in the hand not occupied by your husband's breakfast and walked back to your bedroom.

Resting the plate on your dresser, you leaned down to rub James' bicep and kiss him on the forehead.

"Good morning, Jamie. Happy Father's Day."

"Good morning, my love." He said groggily, then sat up and grabbed his glasses from his nightstand. "And good morning to you, Haz. I wouldn't be a father if you weren't here, so I'm glad you could make it."

Harry reached a chubby hand up to James' face and your husband pretended to eat his fingers. You couldn't contain a giggle at how adorable the scene was.

It was painful, but you had to interrupt them before the food started getting cold. "We made you breakfast." You then placed Harry on the bed and grabbed the food from the dresser and showed it to James.

"You made me a full English?" He asked, and you just smiled in return. James then turned to the baby boy beside him. "Your mum made me my favourite, and I bet you just watched her while eating your fingers."

You feigned insult and ran to reassure your son. "No, you were there helping so much with moral support because you love your daddy, right baby?"

Harry's mouth fell open and he tried pushing out more than just his usual babbles. "Da-di."

James put down his forkful of food and you both looked at each other with wide eyes. "He just—"

You nodded. "Mhm. Haz, say that again. 'Daddy', try it again." It was unnecessary, but you wanted to make sure he really said it and you didn't just both imagine it.

But he definitely said it. And proved it by doing it again. "Daddy!" He said enthusiastically now that you were both encouraging him.

You and James were both over the moon. It was his first real word, and the timing was just perfect. You scooped him up and pressed a bunch of kisses onto his squishy cheeks, then handed him to James so he could also celebrate.

"You said 'daddy'!" James said happily. He tickled your son, which made him burst out into a fit of gurgles and laughter, even though the 11 month-old had no idea why you two were so excited. "This is the best Father's Day gift I could ever ask for!"

"We have more surprises for you throughout the day, but I know none of them will match up to this." You half-joked.

James continued bouncing Harry on his lap. "Maybe you have to save them until next year, my love."

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